Chapter 8: Hanging Out With The Marine

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"Luffy is best boy" - talking

'Luffy is best boy' - thinking

"Luffy is best boy" - screaming

"Luffy is best boy" - Den den Mushi




(I will be focusing more on the interactions between Zhongli and the marine, and his relationship between them. And weirdly enough I will focusing on Sakazuki too. Yes I hate Sakazuki, yes I want him to die... Yet here I am writing about him because he kinda important to the plot.. The irony--)




"You seem stressed about something my dear."

"Why didn't you tell me about him, Umi?"

"Hmm, I want to surprise you. My apologies if it upset you, my love."

"Zhongli said he was suck into a portal... Do you know about it?"

"I have no answer to that my love, I myself have no explanation on why he was throw into this world nor do I have the knowledge about the portal that bring him here."

"I see..."



"Yes, my dear?"

"I'm sorry for raise my voice at you.."

"My love, there's no need for you to apologise. In fact, I find it rather.. What the word you mortals always used? Hot? I never understand why they used that word to describe their emotions to their lover but it have a nice ring to it don't you think so?"

"U-Umi! Where you learn that word!?"

"Are you feel embarrassed darling? How adorable."




3rd POV

Sakazuki is annoyed, he was forced to be here. He grumbled, as he crossed his arms.

Kuzan just want to leave, he doesn't want to be here especially in the same room with Sakazuki!

Borsalino is uncomfortable from the heat and the cold he felt because he sit in between Sakazuki and Kuzan to avoid them taking each other throat but he does enjoy this very moment, watching their face changes every minute are amusing to him.

"This is just a waste of time, we already waited for 10 minutes." said Sakazuki in anger. He tried his hardest to calm himself down, it frustrating! Where the hell is vice-admiral Garp!?

"Why are you even here, you're not even under Garp-San." said Kuzan. The temperature began to drop.

"Like hell I know.." Sakazuki glared at Kuzan.

Borsalino just smiled, "I wonder why he called us here with the new recruits~" all the new marine recruits flinched when Borsalino called them out. They all began to make themselves as small as possible and avoiding making eyes contact with their seniors.

The door crack open and revealed the vice-admiral they've been waiting for the pass 10 minutes. 'Thank you Lord for listening to our prayer!' thought the new marine recruits, crying mentally. They all thought they're going to die from the heat and the cold before even be an official marine.

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