THIRTY-TWO | my idol

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As Gabriel and Crystal walked down the hall Gabriel observed her. He was intrigued by the way she crossed her arms with the two devices, and the way she cautiously led them up the tower. He wanted to know how strong of a fighter she was. It was no wonder Melody loved Crystal so much. He wondered, "How do you know where we are going?" While Crystal was crouched while Gabriel was casually walking behind her. His magic was slowly returning so he felt no need to be so on edge.

She stood up straight and turned to him. "Through the game. I watched everything that was happening so I have a basic understanding of where she is." He was more confused now. "Through a game? What do you mean?"
Crystal scratched her head. She didn't know if she was supposed to tell him he was in a dating game. "Um I basically watched everything through a fancy looking glass," she nervously laughed. He figured she was lying but didn't press further.

He looked down to his shoes as they walked, "when we save her..." his heart ached. "Are you going to take her back to your world?" Crystal shrugged, "that's for her to decide. Not me."

He smiled, that was the best answer she could have given. He felt happy Melody had someone in her corner that truly understood her.


Melody stared at the rain that poured down the bus stop covering. She watched as people who hadn't look at the weather like her self ran for cover. There were a few smarter beings who walked leisurely down the street with an umbrella. She sat silent as she basked in the smell of rain. It made her slightly drowsy.

The bus rolled to stop in front of her. She grabbed her small black purse and got up to go to the bus but a shadow covered her. Melody looked up to a pair of pink eyes hidden behind a mask and sunglasses. She smiled, "what is a celebrity like yourself doing in a place like this?" He pushed his mask under his chin. "I could say the same to you," he snickered.

He turned to the bus driver, "I'm walking her home." The elderly man turned away, annoyance was written all over his face. The doors closed and the bus moved on to the next stop. He offered her an arm which she accepted. She hugged his arm with one hand and put the other in his hoodie pocket. Her hands were freezing and he was a walking heater.

"You didn't even change out of your work clothes?" Melody eyed the bright purple jacket over a white sweatshirt. His matching pants were baggy but stylish. He shrugged, "I'll change once we get home." She nodded, a sheepish smile on her face. She liked when he called their apartment home. It had only been a month sense they moved in together but to the public it was still his apartment. No one knew of their relationship and no one needed to.

They were happy with the silence.

As they walked down the street they talked about the ups and downs of their day. "I swear I cooked the noddles long enough! But then she took one bite and, gosh, you should have heard the crunch. It was painful," Melody sobbed. She was a co-host on a idol cooking show called 'Spoon Full Of Sugar.' Usually she was a pretty good cook but today everything just seemed to being going wrong.

He cackled and patted her head. "Remind me to never let you make me spaghetti." Melody huffed, "ha ha. So funny." He kissed her head. "Speaking of food, what do you want for dinner?" Melody hummed in thought. "American? Or Mexican" He nodded, "I could go for s hefty plate of nachos."

She was about to reply with a sarcastic comment but she bumped into the shoulder of a man. She stumbled back and flinched at a sharp pain in her arm. The mans leather jacked bad metal spikes all over it. Melody examined her arm. A small cut brimmed with fresh blood. She spotted a bench and pulled her boyfriends arm to guide him to it but he didn't move. He was covering his mouth and looking away from her.

She looked around confused, "babe?" He coughed as he licked the drool on his lips. He pressed the sunglasses closer to his face to cover his glowing eyes. "Babe, are you okay?" He nodded slowly.

Melody didn't think he was telling the truth but he was letting her lead him to the bench. Melody sat down under the small pavilion and grabbed a bandaid from her purse. "There," she patted the adhesive on her skin and looked up. "Mexican?"

As she stared at him a white mirage glitched over his head. She stared at it in confusion. "What is tha-." He removed the sunglasses and peered straight in her eyes.

"The number is not there."

Her eyes were hazy. "The number is not there," she repeated mechanically. He smiled and pushed his glasses back up. He straightened back up and snapped. The life returned back to her eyes. The smile on her face returned, "I'm thinking nachos, what about you?" He gasped, "you read my mind."

Melody snickered and stood back up. She entangled their arms and leaned against his shoulder. "Great minds think alike."

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