FORTY-SEVEN | our universe

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Melody smiled as Gabriel uncomfortably shifted in his jeans and fiddled with the collar of his black turtle neck. He bowed to her as he offered her roses but stood back up at the uncomfortable feeling of the tight clothes. "Why do Earthlings prefer such skin tight clothing?" Melody chuckled, "you say that like we didn't normalize both of our world's styles of clothing? You can wear robes if you want?" He shook his head, "I saw your dreams Melody. You can't hide your weird fantasy's of putting me in these silly outfits."

Melody smirked and eyed her husband up and down. "You look pretty sexy too." He sheepishly crossed his arms over his chest. "You pervert," he gasped. Melody burst out laughing.

"Is that the king and queen?"

Melody looked over to the staring eyes. "I told you this was a bad idea," Melody frowned. She could see the shadow knights keeping the civilians at a distance but they were still drawing attention. Gabriel snickered and stepped closer to Melody. "I am only taking my woman on a date like every other good husband in this world. They can stare if they want." He leaned down to kiss her which she slowly reciprocated.

She leaned closer enough for their lips to barely touch before pulling away, "where are we going any ways?" Gabriel huffed, "such a tease." Melody giggled and let him lead her past the opening train doors. Melody eyed the train destination on one of the screens. "Angels Path? We are going to my parents kingdom?" Gabriel nodded, "we prepared a surprise for you."

Melody beamed, "Ooo! How exciting!"


Gabriel led Melody down the palace halls. Her parents home was designed after both their castles in their home world. After they finally escaped their curse they tethered their souls to Gabriel and Melody's new world.

"When the other constellations finally started warming up to us we began trading information and tools. One of our neighbor constellations gave us this magic tool. A crystal ball. Ironic the name," he nudged her arm at the last line. Melody's heart danced and leaped at his words. "You are kidding right!?" Gabriel chuckled and shook his head no. "You can see your cousin."


Melody was bawling her eyes out. Crystal was fighting with a man nearly twice her size but it was obvious who the winner was. She pinned him to the ground and cuffed his hands. Melody clapped as if Crystal could see her.

She smiled through her tears. "I'm glad she is doing good." Gabriel offered Melody the glass ball. "Happy Birthday Melody." Melody's eyes widened. She hadn't even realized it was her birthday. She hugged her husband, "thank you Gabriel. This is the best present ever." He kissed her forehead, "I love you."

She smirked, "I know."

The End

Authors Note:

Yay we have finally reached the end! This took wayyy longer then I was anticipating and the story switched directions like three times but I am pretty happy with the ending. :) I would love some feed back going forward as this is my first yanderee story. What was your favorite scene or love interest!

I love you guys! And thank you so much for all the support these past couple of months!! 💖

Until the next story ;)

P.S - I was right! It is less than 50 chapters! Hehe I knew it. 😙


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