chapter 14

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one hour before:

When he came to India the first thing he wants to do is to see her smiling face but he knew when she see his face, her smile would fade away and fear would replace it's place but whatever expression she gives she looks cute to him. According to him she is the most beautiful, innocent and cute angel.

        My informer told me where she is right now and eating panipuri with her friends but didn't tell me with whom, I laughed at my bangaram eating habits ,she almost every day eats panipuri, I think i also need to start eating panipuri as my bangaram loves it most and I need to get another chef for Chinese food because my chef is expert in Indian food and he is old so I need new chef but I will continue my old chef also.

      With her thoughts running I came to the place where my baby is eating her panipuri. When I saw her smiling face my heart filled with joy but when I saw the person with whose jokes she is laughing my entire mood got changed from joyful to angry.

        Although she is with her two female friends but her laughing with that boy didn't settle with me well. So to know who is that boy I called my informer and my informer told me he is her classmate and asked her for panipuri, she agreed and now eating with him then without listening further I cut the call because my anger is out of control now as my informer didn't tell me that she is eating with a boy and what if she kikes that boy ,no no i won't let that happen, she is mine only.

      I think My Shreya forgot whom she belongs to , so its time to remind her that she is mine . She may be forgot about our last encounter but not anymore and looks like she took my warning lightly, now it's time to show her the real me and made it clear that she belongs to me only and she needs to follow my every word.

         I am watching them only as i am waiting for them to complete their panipuri and their chatting so that I can get some free time to talk to her as I have planned everything for her.


       when I pushed her into the car o stepped inside quickly and locked the doors then closed the wall between driver and I yes my car has that speciality and my baby is watching everything shockingly and with terrified expression, so that the driver won't listen and see anything.
        I am looking at her face only Because my anger is at peak level. Till now She is laughing but when she saw my face all the colors drained from her face. I know in past I approached her in wrong way but I did respect her condition and gave her 10 days time to understand my love and I asked her single thing that is to make distance with boys but she has to not follow that one also. So to control my anger i just sat there just watching her only for 5 minutes and she is crying nonstop.

          Then I pulled her into myself and hugged her tightly then only my anger subsided and I was smelling her hair whereas she was crying and wriggling in my arms and saying " leave me please ".

       But I am not in a condition to listen her words as I am taking her in my arms after 10 days and I want to hold her for some more time. When I felt satisfied I left her only to pull her again so that she can sit on my lap. As usual she is trying to come out of my lap but I don't have any intention to let her go.

          so I started to say " bangaram(gold) don't irritate me , I am already very angey at you for not taking my word seriously and about talking to boys I strictly told you make some distance with boys but you have to not follow my first wish, I may have accepted your talking with boys but you had not only talked to boy but also ate panipuri with him and you are laughing with him ,which irked me and the result is now you are going to face".

Third person pov:

        By saying this he took her more close to him and inhaling her scent by putting his neck in her neck line.

       she said " please leave me , I will not talk to any boy from now on , please I beg you. I will listen your every word but don't do anything to me ,my parents can't handle if something happens to me, please leave me"

         By shushing her he told her " baby don't spoil my mood more and I don't do anything to you because I can't inflict pain on you but babu I can do anything to anyone for you and about your punishment, I will not hurt you but can't say about that boy , so baby tell me what to do with him. " while saying this he showed that boy video where he is with his friends.

    She said " what do you mean about doing something to him and please leave him and why are you keeping an eye on him . He just asked to eat panipuri, I am the one who agreed to eat with him,so punish me but don't hurt him ".

      Her words made him both happy and angry at the same time, happy because she is kind hearted, and angry because she is showing pity on some other male,  he wants her all attention, love, and care.

        Out of anger he told her "should I kill him" but he knew he won't do such thing to him but to make her understand he said those words.

      She with terrified expression said " don't do anything to him please I beg you I will not talk to any male from now on please."

      He said " OK OK my love I won't do anything to him but from next time follow my every word and about talking to males ,you can talk only if necessary arises but don't go with them OK. Now stop crying and kiss me otherwise i will think about my decision twice and you know what happened last time .so do it before I take the lead baby". He is thinking "Don't take  me wrong i am very greedy when it comes to her"

      Out of fear she stopped her struggling and asked him " I am not that kind of girl please leave me and I got my lesson also so please leave me and I can't kiss you".

      He said " if with in 1 minute you don't kiss me then I am not responsible for my actions ".

      She with teary eyes turned to him and begged him with her eyes. when she is confirmed he won't change his mind then she kissed him on his cheek.

     After her kiss when she looked at him ,she was shocked and couldn't believe her eyes because he is blushing by touching his cheek and looking at her with adoration.

        Then she again asked him to leave her but he said " it's not over love there is a big surprise waiting for you and you don't have to fear I will not do anything to you and I have to talk a very important thing, so be calm and rest " .


Please vote, share and comment guys.

This is the biggest chapter I have wrote guys.

I hope I didn't disappoint you guys.

What will be the big surprise and important thing guys.

I am very excited for next update, I hope you guys will be.

Bye guys. take care



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