chapter 19

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His parents reaction made her flabbergasted.  She thought they won't like her so he will leave her but here completely opposite happened. How can they like her instantly .

   His mother is saying " I like her son your choice is awesome and she is perfect for our family ".
       His father asked Shreya " what is your name amma( elders calls youngers Amma means mother because they feel they need to give respect to little girls also) and what does your parents do and what are you studying?."

        But he didn't ask her about her liking towards his son because he knows his son only loves her moreover he is forcing her because he has his sources to know what his son is doing behind his back. He don't want to involve in his son's love matter as he is in madly love with her, if they refuse her then he will leave them and do worst with himself only Because they know if their son wants something then he won't sleep untill he get it. So He just asked her about her family to ease her tension.

         She is now again thinking he will reject her because of her status so she started " uncle I am Shreya studying MBA in xxx college my father is govt employee and my mother is housewife I have one elder brother who is currently trying to get a job".

         She is looking at him expecting shouting on her face due to her status like they show in movies but nothing happened like that instead he patted her head like a father does.
          This act of him made her eyes wet not because of happiness but because of losing her all hopes towards her freedom. But no one has swwn her tears. Now She understood Vikranth words about hid parents are true, they will do anything for their son. What she doesn't understand is they like her humble behavior and her eyes are reflection of her pure soul. Now they also want her only as their daughter in law.

     Here our Vikranth is on cloud nine,  when he saw his parents expressions he knew that his parents also liked her instantly like he did. Now he don't want to fear anything as he has his parents support. Now he has to focus on only one thing that to make his bangaram agree to marry him.

            He wants to talk to her alone for sometime before the ceremony but he don't know what excuse he has to make, so he saw her face and indicated her to go outside through eyes but here his naive angel didn't get him and just seeking his face only but the other four eyes are only watching them and understand his son's struggling and smiling themselves only, so to make his sons work easy they said go and see outside decoration and eat something also.

            But Shreya don't want to go with him alone as she don't know what he will do with her. So she said " no aunty's and uncle I am not hungry as I ate in the hostel and I want to spend here only ." Our Hero understood her intentions.

       So  Vikranth interrupted her in middle " no Shreya did you forget that you said you are hungry ,don't shy Shreya it's also your home you can eat anything and do anything right mummy ".

         His mom said " yes kanna you can eat and do anything like you do in your home we are also like your parents.  Don't fear for anything ".saying that she took her hand and told her go and enjoy you both.

        Taking it as a chance he took her hand in his and ushered her outside.

         After going outside he took her some private place ,and from this place they can watch everything and he specially choosed it for her ,so that she can watch it from here and no body can see her or take her picture and he can also see her from his seat.

         He kissed her hand affectionately,  internally she is shivering, as no one can predict his next move . He then made her sit and he sat next to her then only she noticed the food kept on the table and that food is her Favourite fruit salad and mango juice and black current ice-cream.

         He told her" baby I know you ate your breakfast in the hostel that's why I ordered this healthy food which are your favorite " .

      Saying this he took the ice-cream and took one spoon of ice-cream and then take that spoon to her lips ,she don't know what to do after seeing her confused face he signalled her to eat ,she said " i don't want to eat now , I am full now".

        He know she is lying so he said " baby one cup of ice-cream will not make your tummy more full and don't make me force you into eating also ,please open your mouth to eat bangaram".

          She opened her mouth and he put the spoon in her mouth then with the same spoon he ate another spoon and she made disgusting face with this act whereas he is very happy because for him it is romantic as elders say eating in the same bowl makes the bond strong between the couple that's why he did it.

          Then he took another spoon of ice-cream then he took that spoon to her lips but she refused to eat from his eaten spoon but one look from him she ate it then this continued until the ice cream over.

         After their eating he is only looking her  because she is looking gorgeous to him,she is feeling uncomfortable in his presence, his constant staring at her making her intolerable, she want to go and cry on her fate but she know he won't allow her .

        He again took her hand in his and took her to the large window and hugged her from back but she tried to push him and wriggling in his arms but he tightened his hold and told her " baby don't waste your energy I won't leave you and I like to hold you every minute . See from here you can watch the entire function and I will also watch you from there ,it's my wish when I am taking the oaths to see your beautiful face that's why I made this arrangement so that no reporter will get your glimpse ,see how much I thought about safety don't you thank me and moreover don't you wish me good luck". He then turned her around so that their faces are inches apart.

             She wants to argue but then thought what will she lose if she says good luck so she said "thanks for everything and all the best for your future Vikranth ".

         Then He told her " baby I want your wishes not only in words but also in actions".

           She is confused by his words so she asked " I don't get you will you tell me agian in detail ".

         He said " oh my innocent Chinna(nickname) don't worry you are not getting my words na then i will show you by actions". Saying this he immediately kissed her cheek .

        Then Said " like this if you want you can kiss me on the lips also but I know you are very shy to do that so cheek is OK for me what you say".

Sorry for late update I will give immediate update to compensate.
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