chapter 27

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When they entered the penthouse premises, she noticed some changes there and  those are security is high like wherever she sees she noticed Some non uniform guards are standing. When she see the penthouse her suspicions are increased because the whole penthouse is decorated by Some decorators .

         With doubtful eyes she saw her Right-side whose eyes are already looking at her side only then her brain started to work . First she got one idea that may be Some party is going to held there to celebrate his success and his elected as party president. This one thought calmed her. Sometimes our brain concludes one thing that is which gives us less pain and we accept that thought also because who wants to take stress as we can't change anything.

            So like this our shreya also accepted her thought to minimize her tension and stable her heartbeat. Then she happily saw all the decorations until they reached the entrance of the penthouse then only the car stopped. Her all happiness is vanished When she see the large posture there , her eyes got big and they automatically started their work that is pouring the water and with those painfilled eyes shreya saw the  biggest nightmare of her life who sat just two steps away from her.

           Vikranth is observing her every expression like he expected she was stunned after seeing the posture whi h has their photo and the words written are " engagement ceremony of Vikranth and Shreya ". In this short time he managed to do all these things by using money .you know na money buys everything.

           He thought he is ready for her all tamtrums and all crying but what he didn't think is that her one painful ,accusing look will make him feel culprit in his eyes .

       He only wants to see happiness and love in her eyes for him but all he got is opposite reactions but will we blame her ?and the answer is a big nooo because all his doings are wrong towards her but past is past he can't  change anything now. He believe that after their engagement shreya will accept him as she is a traditional girl.

        They both are staring at each other, after sometime they broke their staring as Vikranth averted his eyes because he can't see and tolerate the look of his love giving to him.

       He came out of the car and came to Shreya's side ,who is only seeing him and he opened the door but Shreya didn't come out of the car and only looking at him.

        Vikranth looked at his surroundings and everyone is looking at them only.  Vikranth can't tolerate disobedience but for his love he is tolerating everything but now everyone is watching them only ,he can't risk his reputation.

     So he told her calmly " Shreya get down the car immediately, I will tell you everything inside the home , if you don't get down you know the consequences,  don't irritate me otherwise you know the consequences well. So silently come inside the home ,I will answer all your questions."

       Shreya knew he is controlling himself because he only calls her name whenever he gets angry , she is already in great trouble if she don't listen to his words now he will make her life more complicated.

      So she obliged his words and came out of the car and silently followed him till they reached the inside the hall.

  Then she stopped and looked the surroundings , the hall was beautifully decorated , what she don't understand is how could they decorate this much beautiful in this short time. Now She understood money can buy anything.

           When Vikranth noticed that she is not following him, he turned around and saw her looking at the decorations with sad expression. He don't know what to do to lessen her pain.

       So he corrected his voice to gain her attention, like he thought it gained her attention and now she is seeing him like he is a cheater.

       Whenever she sees his face her anger is increasing, like a fool she did exactly what he told to her and even followed him till his home. How can she believe him easily and now she is trapped here , she need answers now and anyhow she will get them .

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