chapter 15

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She asked him hesitatantly " can I sit separately, i am not comfortable like this please".

He already decided that he will made her sit beside him but before he say she asked him . So he acted like he is thinking over what she said , then he said "OK you can sit separately only if you stop crying otherwise you will sit here only . understand bangaram".

When those words slipped from his mouth she jumped from his lap and sat near the window and cleaned her eyes hurriedly then while seeing outside she sat silently and I want to know what hurricane is running in her mind but I ignored that thought as I don't want to scare her more and like that I started to give reply to the mails as I will be busy for upcoming days.

When we reached the place which I want to show my love I told my girl that " don't come outside as I will open the door ".
She nodded her head ,then I went outside and asked my men about completion of my assigned work and they said it's done then only I went to my baby's side and opened her door and took her hand in mine and she came outside.

When she came outside the car she is all shocked and scared because he took her to his penthouse. Thousand of thoughts are running in her head like" what he will he do to her and did he kidnap her? How can she save herself from him and so on". With these thoughts running she looked at him very scaredly.

Our hero is looking at her face and observing her expressions keenly, he knew she will be shocked but she is looking pale and ready to get panic attack, so he left her hand and gently took her face in his hands and told her " bangaram I won't do anything to you and I will drop you at your hostel also today only after my work is done, don't worry you will be safe with me okay bujji ( nickname in Telugu ).

After his saying she asked him hesitatantly " you will not do anything to me and leave me also na , please promise me ".

When he heard her words he got smile because like a child she asked him about his word and the last word promise so he with a smile said " I promise about my words my cutie pie" and ruffled her hair .she decided she won't make him angry so that he will leave her fastly and safely.

After that he again took her hand in his because he wants that they both should put their right leg in this home( he feels its their home) at the same time like a newly married couple does.

When the door opened and she saw the floor she was speechless because there wrote "welcome love" with rose petals and the entire path was covered with flower petals and if he didn't force her ,she was sure she would have found him romantic but now for her it's all a drama to impress her and she will not put herself in his trap.

For him this is the one of the memorable days in his because his love is entering his home first time so he wants everything to be perfect and memorable. That's why he did all this but he know except shocking expressions she will not give anything to him but it's fine because the feeling of her near him is enough for him. Then they both entered the home like a couple does ,one with scared of her future and the second one with the thoughts of their bright future .

He told her " love this is going to be our home after our marriage , see the home clearly then only you can know every detail and if you want any changes tell me I will change according to your choice"

Today She is getting shock after shock . She thought he will leave her in a few days but he is talking about their future now She don't know how she make him understand that she don't want to be with him. But she decided she will not talk unnecessary words infront of him because he will do anything in his anger.

But she couldn't control her mouth and started to say " no marriage understand sir... sorry no no Vikranth I don't want to marry you please leave me". She remembered his warning of her not calling him sir.

He got angry by hearing her words but he controlled himself because he already scared her so he don't want to scare her more.

He took her both hands lovingly and said " don't spoil my mood I don't want to hurt you, please understand I am the one for you and I will always keep you happy and no more words from your mouth otherwise you know the consequences baby ." With his words she shut her mouth and concentrated on his next move.

They both walked on the flower path hand by hand and he started to show full home when the main bedroom came he stopped send told her " you go and see their future bedroom and I will come after you"

She obeyed his order and entered the room slowly and the room is huge and the colors are dark like his heart she thought internally. And the bed looks like it designed for kings . When she looked at the opposite side of the bed she got another shock because there is her portrait on the walland she is smiling brightly unknown to her a storm is waiting for her.

Then the hero entered and like the previous time he took her in his and said " this is my favorite picture and I want it to be near me that's why I put it in bedroom so that I can see you whenever I want to see you".

She is thinking " how many shocks he will give me in one day and if this is his favorite picture then how many he has omg how I got myself into his mad love and will I come out of his obsession ".

After the home tour he made her sit on the sofa and he sat on the floor near her feet and placed his head on her lap for few minutes and she don't know what to do now so she politely said " you sit on the sofa I don't feel comfortable like that it's your home so you must sit on the sofa".

He smiled at her words and said " baby it's not my home, it's yours also and I want to sit like that and let me rest for few minutes then I will say something and don't deny those words ".

After few minutes he lift his head up and took her hands in his and told her " bangaram listen carefully I want you to come my oath ceremony as president of the party ,there you will meet my parents as their future daughter in law and don't make any drama there ,if you do then you will see the real me which you won't like . So behave well because whatever you do my parents support me only remember this".

Sorry for the delay guys.
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