Vi x reader (breakup part 3)

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Y/n's pov

"What do you mean talk?" I ask Jinx a little suprised "Like Talk talk if you know what i mean!" "Uhh That's the thing i don't know what you mean jinx-" "UGh!" Jinx exclaimed "She LIKES you y/n!!!" "Who? Mel?" "Y E S YES!" Jinx says as she signs, I was dumbfounded, What? Mel? Liking me? First of all, The HECK? second of All Mel? "Listen" Jinx says as she sits up from the couch, her face stern with a serious expression "Shit happened ok? With Vi and I know you still haven't healed form it, But Go on a date with Mel, Maybe it'll get your mind off of this whole thing" This was so suprising coming from Jinx, I was so used to being the big sister to her, i never expected  Her to be the one trying to advise me "You do realise That she hasn't asked me out yet!!" "but y'all almost KISSED!!". Uhh yeahh, let me back off for a second.

1 day ago
"It's beautiful Mel!!" I say as i feel a sense of curiosity bubble within me, It was Progress day, and Mel has told me that today's fette will be somewhat different, but she didn't tell me it would be a full on carnival! "Only for you darlin", I run across the Carnival, highly stimulated from all the colours and Small shops, "haha!!" I say as I rush towards one shop selling jewellery, A little stall with a table covered in white sheet, with small jewellery pieces on display, My eyes land on a familiar necklace, silver chain with a huge blue stone in the middle, it was beautiful, With a dragon rim covering the Gem stone, i wondered how it hadn't been sold already "Miss excuse me! How much for this?" I say signalling towards the necklace, the lady just smiles at me and walks away "there is no price for something like this, whoever finds this, it belongs to them. Fate" she says to me, strange, "Found something you Fancy my lady?" I hear Mel behind me as she comes to stand beside me, i motion towards the necklace I found, She picks the necklace up "may I put this around you my lady?" "Why yes of course!" I reply, she puts the necklace around me, fastening the clip "there" she says patting my back "You go on, I'll pay for this" Mel says to me with a smile on her face "hehe alrighttttt".
Daylight was fading, as the sky was covered in a beautiful orange hue, "let's go to the Ferris wheel!!" I exclaimed, pulling Mel with me to the wheel, it was covered in Christmas lights and looked so beautiful, we sit in a pod, as the wheel starts moving, "so beautiful..." I say overlooking the view "indeed beautiful" I hear Mel speak as I notice her staring at me. Her gaze was intense, emotional unlike I had ever seen her be, I looked at her with confusion "Y/n I-" I reckon something important was on her mind, She swifted closer to me, As her gaze flickered to my lips, getting closer, but before she could kiss me I backed away "Uhh look! The ride is about to end!" I say as the awkward silence settled between us, when the ride ended I ran, ran away to Jinx's place to tell her what happened.

Current situation
"Jinx no.... We have gone over this, I don't LIKE Mel" I say as My shift to a position where my legs are up the sofa but my head hanging down, "BUT! I never asked u to like her just go out with her!! Maybe it'll take your mind off stuff" Jinx says to me "bleh I'll think about it" my mind flashes back to My relationship with Vi, it still hurts but I am getting better now, or well at least i think i am getting better.
Whatever doesn't matter, I Started to head out, I had a meeting anyway. It had started to rain a little, but bleh who cares I love rain, While walking home, I hear a familiar voice "No it's ok doesn't matter" I hide behind the wall to listen in, It was Vi standing in a alleyway talking to Caitlyn, The pain in my chest returned, as tears started to appear in my eyes, Caitlyn moved forward to Kiss Vi, but i ran away before i could see them kiss I ran away, I didn't wanna do anything anymore, all the healing flew away, i was broken hurt emotional, While running I feel down, my knees were scratched, I was wet completely, i didn't know what to do , no one was on the streets, suddenly i felt a cool hue on my palms, looking at it, there was a blue light coming from it, my necklace was glowing, Fear overtook me as I lost consciousness.

Heheheh SORRY IK I AM CRUEL, but what do you think is happening to Y/n? And what were Vi and Caitlyn talking about???
Next part coming up day after tomorrow!

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