Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Cora's POV

Today I was starting my internship at the most prestigious hospital in the United States, The Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota. It was one of my dreams to become a doctor at this particular hospital. The other was to become a cardiac surgeon. Just coming out of medical school most of my peers were still fickle about what specialty to go into. I knew from the time I was thirteen what specialty I wanted, and yes by the age of six I knew I'd be a doctor.

I looked up at the tall silvery building and the biggest smile went straight on my face. I started walking in swaying my short brown curls as I walked into the first day of greatness.

Now I know what you're thinking. You think I'm conceited and way too sure of myself. That is not the case at all. I'm very smart and I'm proud of where I've gotten so far in my life but I'm not conceited. I do not know everything there is to know about cardio surgery  or the medical field in general but that's why I'm here, to learn.

I walked in the building and went straight with the rest of the group of interns. A few of us knew each other because we went to the same school but rarely do you ever know more than one or two people from the group, so it is a chance to make new friends. It's not easy I heard because most people are really cutthroat and out for themselves to get in on every surgery or procedure they can even if it means throwing someone else that could be considered a friend under the bus. I was not really one of those people but I was a good judge of character and knew if someone were even to attempt to do that to me and steal a surgery or patient I'd be just as cutthroat. I'm no wimp and I do not and will not lie down while someone else comes in and tried to steal something I earned.

We all made menial conversation for a few minutes but then an older man maybe late 40's walked up and greeted us all at once. "Morning everyone!" He said in a boisterous tone. "I am Dr. Lewis. Today is the first day of a career for most of you. I can guarantee that about 1/3 of you will either drop out or just not make it here. Don't get me wrong that doesn't mean that you don't have the potential to become a great doctor but here at The Mayo we do not strive for great, we strive for exceptional. Now that being said there are some of you that will excel very much here. This will not be a cake walk and there will be ups, downs, setbacks and even tragedy in different ways but in the end it will either make you a better doctor and you will learn from it or it will break you." He stood there as we were all silent and then began again. "Now follow me as we make our rounds to the rest of the hospital. We will not get to the whole place today but you will learn over time where everything is at and if you need some navigating just ask but do not think any of us are here to hold your hand."

We walked through the halls and into the different areas of the hospital. We saw the ER, the research labs, and the morgue which I tell you to this day I have reservations about the dead but it comes with the territory and so I've learned to cope.

We made our way to the ER to "help" in reality the chief didn't trust us quite yet to dive straight in so we were on duty in "the pit" is what they call it. I didn't mind doing this because at least it's a gradual process however, I was dying to dive into fixing a heart but I knew it wasn't so simple.

As I was done suturing up a patient that had taken a pretty bad fall down a flight of cement stairs skateboarding I rounded the corner to go see who was next on the charts and bumped straight into someone. Great first day Cora. I was doing so well up until now. Oh well it's probably just another intern racing around.

As I looked up I saw the most beautiful man I've ever seen. He was not too tall but taller than me, sexy brown hair full of curls that were full of luster and life unlike my drab unkempt curls. His eyes were piercing green that I swear could easily be the best set of peepers I've seen and I've seen a lot of people's eyes. I know it sounds weird but in my line of work it's normal and yes I said peepers. I get weird when I'm nervous.

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