Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

The next morning I woke up not feeling any better than I was feeling when I got home. I was stoked about the hospital and my new job and even friends and learning new and better things but this Dr. Sykes would be the hardest obstacle.

I hurry and get ready. Throw on my bright pink scrubs and try to maintain the crazy that are my curls. Most interns are supposed to wear one color at most hospitals but we were allowed a little more freedom as long as it wasn't rude or crude. Which most scrubs weren't.

Headed straight into work and immediately saw Jenna. "Hey girl, you ready to get elbow deep in guts and see some sexy Dr.'s." I knew who she was hinting at. I grimaced. "The guts yes and no comment on the last part." She laughed. "I think you are either not human or you're hiding something." I looked at her. "What do you mean?"

'You don't even show the slightest bit of interest when it comes to his British ass. Are you playing for our team?" I giggled. "No, not that I haven't thought about it but I do like dick."

"Then you must not be human because my god! If I could even hit it once in the medical closet or lab trust I'd be on it!" She made a weird noise. The same noise I made last night thinking about him. "Hmm well I think he has a girlfriend or something because he was with some woman last night talking before I left."

"Well that doesn't mean he's seeing her. They could be friends."

"Friends of the opposite sex don't normally live together or have sex."

Her eyes got big. "They were talking about sex?" I nodded. "Yeah they were. Something about three orgasms or something. I didn't catch it." I knew I just lied my ass off but where does she get off talking about him like that. I found it funny but yet odd. Why was I being defensive a bit when it came to him?

"Wow oh my god okay well still if he were single maybe I'd go after him. Figures though. The hot ones are usually always taken." We made light conversation on the way up to the hall of the ER while we waited with the others to be divided up into shadowing one of the doctors today.

"Morning everyone!" Dr. Lewis chimed in. We all said "morning" back. He started dividing us up into groups and sending us with certain doctors. "Dr. Matthews, Dr. Simmons, and Dr. Trent you'll be with Dr. Sykes."

He didn't really just say I was shadowing the British god today did he? I look over to the left in front and there he was in all his glory with his piercing green eyes. It always looks like he's eye fucking me every time he looks in my direction. I'm screwed! We all start walking along with Dr. Sykes and we are lead into our first major case.

Dr. Sykes introduced us to the patient and said that he would ask a series of questions surrounding the patient, their symptoms and the possible conditions. From there he'd decide who would be the one that would assist him during surgery.

We all seemed pretty knowledgeable about what could be wrong but I noticed something within one of the symptoms. "Sir, I think it is Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy." I chimed in.

"Matthews, why would you think this?"

"I know this because he felt completely fine until just yesterday. Most people with condition do not exhibit any symptoms at all and if they do they have major complications with breathing and chest pains. None of his tests say he was having a heart attack and surely we could pick up a simple heart attack by now."

"Great Matthews, now tell me what tests would we conduct to diagnose him and what is the treatment for this."

"We would do an Echo and possible ECG and stress test. There are different procedures such as just medication, septal myectomy, septal ablation, or a cardioverter defibrillator depending on the severity of the condition."

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