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Cora's POV

It's been 4 years since Nathan and I got back together and we are happier than ever.

I finished my residency and I was now a cardio surgeon at The Mayo. It was my dream. Nathan was still working at The Mayo and he was up for two different awards. He was up for an AMA and for the Gold Humanism in Medicine Award. Plus he was also doing his own trials. He was absolutely amazing and brilliant. I hoped I could be at least half of the doctor and person he is.

We lived together now and we talked about marriage but we were happy with where we were. A marriage wouldn't really solidify us as a couple. We had been a couple for 4 years and no paper could say it was more official than us waking up with each other, loving one another and being honest. We had fights of course. Sometimes they were very heated but we were both very strong people and so it was only natural but, it usually ended in hot makeup angry sex and then when we cuddled after we'd talk it through. We were good for each other. We balanced each other. He was faithful, honest, loving, funny, smart, and romantic. There is nothing more that I could want. He always looked at me like I was his greatest accomplishment even though I thought different especially with the awards in tow.

Jenna and I were best friends. She was married now for a year. I had even made a few more friends there with new comers, the people that came in with me even Dr. Trent. He was such an asshole for taking that whole situation to the chief 4 years ago but things changed. He realized that we were in love and after a few months he apologized for everything.

The chief or Dr. Lewis was no longer the chief actually. He went to another hospital and Dr. Marcus as now the new chief. Dr. Lewis decided to leave for "personal reasons" however, the board found out his was misusing his status as chief in the hospital and they decided it was best for him to step down himself and relocate to another hospital before they fired him and it would look bad no matter where he went. They were actually very generous with that because they could have just fired him and made it almost impossible for him to get another job.

Dr. Marcus was amazing as chief. She was fair and she set a standard for every doctor no matter what and she was serious but didn't take everything too serious.

"Hey baby, are you ready to go home?" Nathan asked walking into the waiting area. I had been of for about an hour. "Yes, I am so tired today. I must be overworking myself."

"Awww my poor beautiful queen. Do you think you are coming down with something?"

"I don't think so I think I've just been working too much lately. I have worked every day for the last month and pulled doubles on most of those days. I just need to sleep for like two weeks then I'll be good." I smiled.

He laughed at me.

He led me out of the building for the day and when we got home I changed and climbed into bed. Nathan began to giggle. "Do I amuse you Nath?"

"I was just thinking you always wear a tank top and panties to bed. Never anything more or less no matter the weather."

"Well I like it. It's comfy."

"I'm not complaining and it looks comfy just like that you have a routine. It makes me laugh and smile." He lean over to kiss me as he climbs into bed with nothing but his Calvin's on. He knows what they do to me. I bite my lip.

"Now love, don't start that. I thought you were tired?" I smirk. "I am but what if I want a quickie before bed?"

"Insatiable woman. Can't get enough of this British cock can you?"

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