Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Cora's POV

I can't believe I just said that. It just flew out of my mouth at lightning speed before I could stop myself.

The last few weeks have been pretty amazing! I mean we have spent time at his place, went to dinner, a movie and spent most nights here at my place and it's all been a dream come true.

He's funny. Not like trying to be funny kind of funny but actually funny. He has the best sense of humor; he is funny when he doesn't know he is being funny. He's kind of awkward but so cute. He's made me smile more in the last few weeks than I have probably since senior year in high school. I love the way his nose crinkles when he laughs. Especially when he was laughing at me last week. I tripped and he caught me and was so concerned and then I smiled out of more embarrassment and he just burst out laughing and then he crinkled his nose more. He said, "You are so uncoordinated I think we need to put you in a plastic bubble and call you bubble girl." He's such a dork.

He's smart as hell. Intelligence is sexy but his brain honestly is one of the reasons I'm so attracted to him.

I also loved the little things. Like when we were in bed he would run his fingers through my hair or when he would kiss me goodnight he'd kiss my forehead, nose, chin and then back up to my lips. It was a cute little thing but it felt so comforting. The way he'd try and tickle me but I'd get away from him and then tackle him and start kissing him. Then of course it would lead to the mind blowing sex. My god the sex was incredible! The way he touched me was like a mixture of not wanting to break me and then just trying to break me. It may not make sense but it made sense to me. He knew I could take it and my god did I take it!

I even loved just chilling on the couch with him talking and watching movies. It was downtime that doctors rarely got and it made me grateful. Grateful for my work and the downtime and grateful for him.

I never knew what this was when we got together. I was just winging it which I'm sure he was too and I was okay with that. Before I knew it he flipped me over, I kissed his nose and the I love you just spilled out. I felt a mixture of fear, confusion and a feeling I couldn't place.

"I'm sorry that just came out. I don't know where it came from."

He just looked at me. I think he was in shock. I was there with him. I had to see what he was thinking. "Nathan? Ummm are you okay?"

He lifted off of me and sat back on the couch. Okay he wasn't running that was good. Right?

I just kind of sat there scared as hell at the unknown. I wanted to say something but I clearly said enough. My god I probably just fucked up a really good by getting attached too soon. I wasn't even that girl but I knew I was attached to him. Did I love him? I mean of course I cared but was I in love? Already? No I can't be. Why would I say that then if there wasn't some truth to it? My god I think I did love him. What would this mean? I mean no one knows about our thing. We don't even know what this thing is. We never talked about it. We talked about everything else. Like his mother, sister, his friends back home in England. The way he became passionate about medicine and helping people. His love for "football" and soccer to us Americans. The way he'd get defensive about the name soccer was funny and I teased him of course.

We talked about it all but what we were. I didn't care about titles at first and still not much now I just mainly was wondering about where we were going. If I cared this much already I wanted to be on the same page about the feelings and where we were headed otherwise we'd have a problem. This is why I never did anything other than a casual date here and there during college. In high school I gave everything to my first and only real boyfriend and he cheated, lied, and ripped my heart out. That wasn't even real love. What if this was and he didn't feel that deeply about me? I'd be crushed. Could I make it out of that?

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