- 15. 𝗔 𝗡𝗲𝘄 𝗢𝗽𝗽𝗼𝗻𝗲𝗻𝘁 -

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It was a week later and Jake was more than excited to go to school and see his friends. His wounds had finally healed up and he was able to go to school the day prior. He hadn't been so happy to see anyone in so long.

He was now getting ready in the bathroom brushing his teeth. He spits the toothpaste into the sink before wiping his mouth and leaving out of the bathroom, picking up his backpack off the floor and putting it on his bed. He chose one of the many snacks Sunghoon bought him a bit ago and put it in his backpack before putting it on his back. Yes, he had saved them for when he went to school.

He then turned off the lights in his room and left out of it closing the door behind him. His father was in his bedroom so he left out of the front door, closing it carefully.

He then set off to Choi's Chai. He loved this, the ritual he was used to. He'd wake up early, sneak out of the house, go to Choi's Chai, and see Soobin, he'd do work if there was some or study until it was time for school, and it would repeat. He loved looking forward to waking up. It felt amazing after not wanting to for so many years.

"Morning, Hyung," Jake said cheerfully as he sat his backpack down on the vacant seat in front of the one he always sat on. "Morning," Soobin said sleepily. "Did you not get enough sleep last night?" Jake asked confused as to why Soobin seemed so tired. "Life can be tough sometimes, y'know? I had to sort out the bills since it's the start of the month," The taller explained. "I understand," Jake said quietly before pulling out his laptop.


"I guess I'll get going," Jake told Soobin. "Bye, see you later," Soobin smiled, his dimples showing. Jake then left the café to head to school. Jake put in his wired earbuds (bc of vibes) and put on some music as he walked down the busy streets.

A few minutes later Jake arrived at school and went to his locker to put away and grab some books and other necessities. "Hello there, gorgeous," Jake heard someone from behind him say. He was confused because it wasn't Sunghoon's voice and he had never called him that before. The boy turned around to see... Hyunjin?

"H-hello?" Jake stuttered. "Why so shy?" Hyunjin said with a smirk, walking closer to him. "C-can I help y-you?" Jake asked feeling uncomfortable with how close they were. "I just wanted to know if you were single," Hyunjin said, the same smirk still plastered on his face. Jake didn't know how to respond. Should he tell the truth or lie? He didn't like how little of a gap separated the two. If he told the truth he'd have to end up rejecting him and he'd probably be on his bad side but if he lied who would he say his partner is? He had to decide soon to get the older away from him so he said...

"Y-yeah, I'm single," He decided to tell the truth. Hyunjin tried to hide his smile. "What's a pretty thing like you doing without a girlfriend or boyfriend?" Hyunjin asked closing the gap between them even more. Jake just stayed silent, his head facing the ground. "Hm, why don't we change that?" Hyunjin suggested in a raspy tone.

Jake shook his head 'no' causing Hyunjin to scoff and tilt his head. He then shoved Jake against the locker, trapping him with his arms. "How about I ask that again?" Hyunjin said as Jake's eyes began to water. "Why don't we change the fact that you're single?" Hyunjin asked once again. "I-I don't l-like y-you," Jake said trying to hold in his tears. Hyunjin was about to further press the younger before he heard someone from the distance. "That fucking bitch," Hyunjin cursed under his breath, moving his arms so Jake could move. "Don't tell him about anything," Hyunjin commanded in a threatening tone before walking away.

Jake gulped in fear but applauded himself in his head for not having a panic attack in front of him. Just as Hyunjin disappeared from Jake's sight Sunghoon walked up to him giving him a hug from the side before guiding him to where the rest of their friends were, his arm still wrapped around the shorter's waist. Jake's face flushed a light shade of red. He quickly forgot about the encounter he had with Hyunjin a minute ago. All he was focused on was the young man that was walking with him.

After bidding his goodbyes to his friends he walked to class with Heeseung right beside him. "So, Hyung, what do you want for your birthday?" Jake asked breaking the silence as they walked. "You don't have to get me anything, Jaeyun-ah. You hanging out with us is all I need," Heeseung said smiling. "I still want to get you something though. Please tell me~," Jake pleaded, his hands put together. "Something small like a card would be fine," Heeseung said causing Jake to roll his eyes in frustration. Jake didn't have time to ask Heeseung want he wanted again because they had arrived at their classroom.

The two entered the classroom and as soon as Jake saw who was in the seat next to his he wanted to turn right back around.

"Hello, gorgeous," Hyunjin said as Jake sat down in his seat reluctantly. Jake ignored him and scribbled some little drawings on the notes he took. "Seems like you're playing hard to get," Hyunjin said with that same stupid smirk on his face. He then leaned in closer to Jake's ear before whispering, "You'll be mine by the end of the school year," This made chills run down Jake's back. He hated this and so did the person spectating from the back of the room.

"He is so fucking stupid. I hate him," Yeji said glaring at her brother. "He is such a fucking jerk," She continued, trying not to get up and cause a scene. "Has he done this at all of your previous schools?" Gaeul asked as she watched what her friend's twin was doing. "Yes, and it's fucking horrible. But this time I'm not letting his stupid little games take me away from this school. Not after I finally made a new friend," Yeji said, her angry expression turning into a sad one when she started the last sentence.

Over the past few days, Yeji and Gaeul became closer and ended up as friends. Yeji was a very extroverted person while Gaeul was the complete opposite. Their personality leveled each other out making them an amazing duo. They both brought out the best in each other. Even though Gaeul might seem like a boring person she's actually the opposite. Yeji just had to crack her shell and now at some times, Gaeul is more crazy than her.

Saying Jake was elated at the bell ringing signifying the end of the class period was over would be an understatement. He couldn't wait to get away from Hyunjin. The boy kept touching Jake under the table and whispering things like: 'Give me your number.' 'You're really pretty.' and 'You're gonna be mine.'

Jake hated the way he spoke to him and what he said to him. He didn't like him calling him pretty. He only liked it when Sunghoon called him that. When Sunghoon called him pretty and cute his stomach would do summersaults and his whole body would heat up but when Hyunjin said it it made him feel like he wanted to throw up. He felt extremely uncomfortable and didn't know what to do.


Jake put all his things away but before he could leave out of the classroom Hyunjin took his hand. "You're eating lunch with me," He said coldly before leaving Jake speechless and scared. "You okay?" Heeseung asked, seeing Jake look like he had seen a ghost. Jake shook his head 'yes' before walking towards the door, Heeseung following behind.

Both Yeji and Gaeul spectated what was going on. Yeji really wanted to go up to Jake and tell him not to worry about Hyunjin but she knew she couldn't because she had seen what Hyunjin did to the students at their other schools. She knew Jake did have to worry about him.

a/n note!!: the way i wrote two chapters in one day. i literally ate. hope you're enjoying this book so far!!
- May 🌷

1448 words

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