- 25. 𝗖𝗿𝘆𝗯𝗮𝗯𝘆 -

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Jake woke up due to the sun shining in through the window. He shifted a bit in his position and felt something harder than a pillow under his head he looked up and saw Sunghoon sleeping peacefully.

It took him a second to process what happened and why he was sleeping in the same bed as Sunghoon but when he did he let out a 'ahh' sound. The younger stirred in his sleep causing Jake to instantly shut up. He quietly cooed at the younger's sleeping face.

He tried to get up but the arm Sunghoon had wrapped around him held him in place. He then tried to detach the arm from himself but soon realized the younger was holding onto his hand tightly.

Jake eventually gave up and decided to stay here until Sunghoon woke up. He placed his head back down on the taller's chest and blushed to himself. If only all of his mornings could start like this.

A few minutes passed before Sunghoon woke up. He felt something heavy resting on his chest and realized it was Jake. His face flushed a light red. "You up?" He heard Jake ask, lifting his head up to see his face. Sunghoon yawned, making a cute sound. Jake giggled at the younger before sitting up.

Jake was looking out the window as he waited for Sunghoon to wake up fully. "Are you okay?" Sunghoon asked with a husky voice as he wrapped his arms around Jake's waist and rested his head on one of his shoulders. Jake's heart started beating rapidly as his body heated up. 'What the actual fuck is happening?' He asked himself internally with wide eyes.

"Hmm?" Sunghoon hummed, snuggling his head into the older's neck as he waited. "I-I'm okay," Jake reassured the younger boy. The room filled with silence after Jake answered Sunghoon's question. Sunghoon then broke the silence by saying, "I broke his nose for you," In a sleepy tone.

Jake was shocked by this newfound information. Had Sunghoon really broken his nose for him?! "W-why?" Was the only thing Jake was able to say due to the shock he was in. "Because I like you a lot, Jaeyun. I want you to know that I'm always here for you," Sunghoon explained.

Jake's heart melted after hearing what the younger said. He wasn't used to someone being so nice, caring, and protective of him. His whole life the only friend he had was Soobin but Soobin never knew what happened to him. He never told Soobin what happened at home or at school unless it didn't really matter. He never came to Soobin with his worries. He was scared of what the older would do if he found out. What if Soobin went to his house to confront his dad and ended up hurt because of him? Jake probably wouldn't be able to go on with life knowing he got his only friend injured because he couldn't take a few hits from the monster of a man he called Dad.

Sunghoon was different.

He was at school with him. He knew all the things that went down in his school life. Sunghoon had been messing with him ever since the 3rd grade. He knew Jake but not everything. He knew Jake more than Soobin ever did though. Sunghoon was there whenever someone tried to mess with him. Sunghoon was there whenever he was having a bad day. Sunghoon was there whenever he needed someone to talk to. He had always been there since the start.

Even though he met Soobin and Sunghoon around the same time of the year he felt Sunghoon knew more about him. It's not Soobin's fault but it felt weird to him. He was with Soobin all the time but he somehow knew less about him than the annoying pretty boy who he went to school with and barely had real conversations with.

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