Chapter Eight

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It's been several days since the attack. All the guards who turned on the court were detained and arrested, but that's all we palace folk know. The rest of the truth has been kept tightly under wraps. Nobody knows whether it was an inside job, or if rogues had managed to steal guard uniforms and get in that way. It has been a hot topic of debate among the maids.

"No, this was definitely the work of rogues. I didn't recognise any of them," Macy tells several maids through a mouth full of food. We sit at a long table at the dining hall, set aside for maids and other palace workers.

I stab my silver fork into the rotisserie chicken. The food back at the Agnarys estate could never compare to the food here at the palace, but that's to be expected when they keep the best chefs in Raelia.

"Yeah, because most of them shifted to wolves before we could even see their faces. I reckon it was an inside job," another girl answers.

Macy scowls towards her buttered bread and bacon. "I doubt that. Why would twenty of the king's own guards turn against him? It doesn't make sense."

"I don't know. Maybe there are just some people in here that are against the Queenstrails."

We all fall silent. Though many things are not known, one thing is for certain; this attack, whoever it was coordinated by, was obviously done in an attempt to disrupt the Queenstrails. Someone doesn't want it to proceed, and no one knows why.

"Either way, it would be nice if some people could tell us," another girl snips, giving a pointed look towards the guards lining the walls. Apparently, only the guards know the full story, but not one of them will divulge what they know. I debated seeking out Alex to ask for myself, but I didn't want to seem like a nosey when this obviously isn't my business.

I swallow a chunk of my chicken. Alex and I haven't spoken since we were both let out of the saferoom two days ago, by two guards who happened to be checking all the safe rooms. Then again, I haven't spoken to anyone I was in that room with. Kairi seems to have been avoiding any contact with anyone she spent that night with, and Prince Kohl is being... well... Prince Kohl.

I cast a long look towards the table at the front. The Prince Kohl and his parents dine in their elaborate chairs, along with the Ladies of Queenstrial. Bronte, the girl from Ounsli, is still here, albeit very bruised and scratched from her fight with the Lunous girl. Due to the attacks, the first round of the Queenstrials was deemed null and would be rescheduled for tomorrow. I think it's a calculated move by the king, to put out a message to the attacks – whomever they may be – that the spirit of Gahndor still rides strong. Still, I'm not sure how long they'll be able to keep up that charade, especially if the enemies are smart enough to pass off as the king's own guard.

My eyes focus on Kohl, and I watch as he talks quietly with his mother, Queen Selene. With them sitting side by side, it is obvious that Prince Kohl takes after his father with his pale skin and midnight-black hair. Queen Selene, on the other hand, is a beauty; with her gorgeous ice-blue eyes and wavy brown hair. I watch as the woman whispers something to her son, and Kohl smirks and shakes his head as he pokes at his food. I blink. It's moments like that which make it hard to believe that Kohl might have the Curse of Cruelty.

Other times, though, it's never hard to believe.

"Naomi? Are you all right?" Macy asks, and I whip my head back to her. Aside from a small scratch on her cheek, Macy had emerged from the attacks relatively unharmed. I'd been worrying about her endlessly in the saferoom, along with the wellbeing of my sisters. They, too, had thankfully made it out unharmed.

"Fine," I say, and push out my chair to stand. We're supposed to attend one final training session before the tournament, and everyone is expected to be there. "I'll meet you in the training room. I just have to have a shower first."

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