Chapter 21

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I've never really felt strong in my life. Sure, maybe I built some mental resilience after all those years of being put down, but I never once felt physically strong. Every uneven thump of my heart was a reminder of that, not to mention my loving siblings as well.

But when I summon the fire to my palms, its light illuminating the room just as it does my body, I feel powerful. It's a sense deeply ingrained in my core, flowing and burning with the promise of strength. Of power. An intoxicating sensation I can't get enough of. Every flicker of the fire is shocking, like I still can't quite believe it's real, but it is. It's as real as the heat shimmering in the air around me, as the heat in my blood.

I scrunch my brows as I stare towards the fire, trying to tame the rogue flames into a tight sphere of fire. It flickers for a moment, seeming to compress, before springing outwards again, coating my entire arm before I am forced to put it out. I grumble curses. Summoning and maintaining the fire itself is easy enough; in fact, it feels as easy as breathing. Controlling the fire, however, is another story. It's almost like training an untamed dog; eager enough to follow start and stop commands, but reluctant to listen to anything else.

I glance out my window, the silver stars twinkling against the inky black sky. It's a little after 10PM, meaning I feel safe enough to bring out my flame and practice with it. Kohl had instructed me to keep my fire out of sight and only practice when I knew I was alone. We had our suspicions that the king's plans and the attacks could have something to do with my newfound ability, but we just don't know what. Even then, how could King Galen even know about this? Even if he had known about elemental magic existing in noble heirs, how could he have known one would emerge two thousand years later? Besides, I'm not even participating in the Queenstrials, and from what I heard it seems the targets are the girls. Still, I know I have to stay alert. If they are looking for me, then I have to do everything in my power to conceal it.

I swallow down my apprehension. That's not the only thing that's been plaguing my mind tonight. Kohl would have taken the Moonlust a little over an hour ago, meaning he would be in the throes of the Rutt right now. Just thinking about that sends a dagger of nauseating heat through my stomach, leaving my skin prickling with ice. The idea of him being with another girl right now, lusting over them, claiming them...

I stand abruptly from my bed, raking a hand through my pale hair. I shouldn't even be bothered by the thought and yet it feels like it has me by the throat, staring at me with smug eyes that send fire coursing through my veins. But why the hell should I care? He's a prince, I'm an Invalid; end of story.

After a few minutes of pacing, I decide to unlock my door and step into the halls. I know it's risky all things considered, but my mind is spiralling and if I sit in a confined room for any longer, I will literally combust. Besides, if for whatever reason I get attacked, my fire power will ward them off. No one expects to be burnt during an attack and it sure as hell worked last time.

I banish the last of my apprehension as I make my way down the halls. It's dark, the only sound being the echoing slap of my footsteps. I pace down several halls before I finally decide on the kitchens. If I'm lucky, maybe Macy will be working, and I can talk to her.

Just as I am about to turn the corner that leads to the kitchen, my back straightens as I get the uncanny sense that I am being watched, and I whirl in an instant to find a dark figure looming at the other end of the hall. My heart rate ticks up, and I summon a tingling heat to my palms as I lock my gaze on them. My fire responds readily within me, and I already feel ten times safer than I would without it.

As the figure approaches, however, I recognise a few things. The sharp outline of a jaw, the mop of black curls, the golden eyes that reflect ominously in the dark.

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