Chapter 14

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!! TW Graphic Violence !!

Today is the second round of the Queenstrials, and I can't help as the infectious excitement of the palace folk works its way into my own blood.

Though, the excitement of the event isn't the only reason for my stupidly large grin. After the ball yesterday, I'd found myself in Alex's room last night. Though we didn't do anything past kissing and a few risqué touches, I still enjoyed every moment of it. Alex had thoroughly understood me when I said I wanted to take it slow. After all, I am nervous to lose my virginity. It's always a big deal, I suppose.

Pain pinches my gut. I wish I could attend the tournament with Alex today, but he'd been rostered on for rounds of the kingdom grounds.

As I make my way down the halls with the sea of people trundling towards the arena, I make a mental note to ask Kohl for an extra key so I can give it to Alex. It only seemed fair that he has access to my room if I have access to his. Speaking of which, I haven't seen Kohl since the ball, and I am burning with anticipation to know what my next mission might be.

The crowd bottlenecks at the doorway to the arena, and I suck in a lungful of warm, dusty air as I finally make it outside. I make my way to the second row of seats, choosing one that seems to be far away from other people. I am half-hoping Macy will see me and sit down beside me, but I know it's a hopeless wish as I see more and more people pouring in. I'd been meaning to give her a visit this morning, but the crowd had simply swept me away.

After about half an hour, everyone settled into their seats, their eyes glued to the arena below. The big, black chalkboard stood at the edge, covered by a black sheet. Behind that, the box of the royals lay, and I had to make a conscious effort not to look there and seek out Kohl. I mean, there was no reason to, right?

Finally, the announcer from the first round walked out onto the sun-baked dirt. He gave a little speech about this being the last round, which will leave the prince with his final five girls to choose from. I tune out until he finally moves towards the board, dragging out a dramatic pause before ripping the sheet away.

My heart sinks a little as my eyes skate over the board.

Queenstrial Round Two

Gertrude Cliffgard – Althea Agnarys

Kairi Nirnsich – Hallie Cliffgard

Cynthia Lunous – Khalani Ounsli

Jade Agnarys – Daisy Lunous

Jasmine Nirnsich – Comet Lunous

A roar erupts from the crowd, and I know why. Gertrude and Althea are tied in terms of ability. This has been the fight everyone's waited for, and I would even go as far as to say this was a calculated decision by the people who run the show.

I watch as Gertrude and Althea emerge in the arena, both position themselves on opposite sides. I don't miss Althea's slight limp as she makes her way to the side closest to me, and I wonder how much it will impact her performance today. The crowd don't seem to notice, though. They're too busy roaring the names of the girls, until all can be heard is the word-mash of "Gerthea Agnard".

I can't see Althea's face, but I know from the tightness in her shoulders that she is tense. Gertrude's crude features twist into a sneer as she regards my sister, and for a fleeting moment, I feel bad for Althea. But then I remember how she's treated me since arriving her, and all my bad feelings are forgotten.

A tense silence settles over the arena as the two stay stock-still in position, staring each other down. Then, a yell from the official sounds, and within seconds, the two shift into their wolf forms and charge for each other, leaving their shredded clothes to the wind.

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