Chapter 15

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The darkness is warm. Everyone has this preconceived notion that the dark is a cold, unforgiving place that should be avoided at all costs, but I've been here enough times to know it's not.

Apparently, though, it's also painful, like the dull ache in my shoulder. Or the splintering pain in my side. I sense myself stirring in a distant place, but right here I am eternally still. I sense my pain increase, the warmth becoming hot as my skin starts to prickle with sweat.

I suck in a breath. My throat burns. I stir again, and I'm closer this time. Now I can feel other things. Metal railings caging my arms to my sides, the wafer-thin feel of a mattress at my back, the plush kiss of a pillow behind my head. The pain becomes hotter, more real as I swim for the surface.

Once I break it, my eyes snap open and reality comes crashing down on me. With a gasp, I blink and look around. The first thing I see are the glinting moonstone splinters, stuck into my arms and sides. I then take in the white walls of the room, and the soft candles that glow on the steel tables that sit beside wafer-thin beds.

There are no windows in this room, and other than the candlelight and the light that slivers between the cracks in the door on the far left, it's pretty dark. I seem to be the only one here.

No, not the only one, I realise as I spy the dark figure sitting in a chair beside my bed. She is slumped forward, looking almost on the precipice of sleep.

"Macy?" My throat croaks out. Macy whips to face me, and the moment her brown eyes lock mine they well with tears. Choking on a sob, she launches herself at me, and I have to bite back a hiss as her arms crush my shoulders.

"You're alive." Her voice is nothing more than a strangled whisper. I grin and pat her back awkwardly.

"Yeah, but I'm not sure how."

She pulls back, eyes bright with tears. "I thought I was going to lose you. When Kohl carried you out the Arena, I saw all your wounds and—" Her lip quivers. A strange sense of appreciation washes over me when I learn Kohl carried me out, but then the ferocious fire in his golden eyes flashes before my mind and a feeling of unease settles in my gut.

I can almost remember the tearing of flesh, and the screams that had rung in my ears. Gertrude's screams. The image of her broken body flashes before my mind, and my head pounds at the memory. I block it out. The fate of the Cliffgard girl feels too heavy to bear right now, so I search desperately for other things to talk about.

My eyes snag on the bouquet of lilies on the metal side table. I scowl. "Who sent those?"

Macy follows my gaze, and her face brightens marginally as she says, "Alex. He was here all night, but eventually was forced to leave by the nurse. He's probably sleeping but I suspect he'll be back here soon enough."

My gut twists with guilt, but I don't know why. I push the feeling aside. "How long have I been out?"

Macy shifts uncomfortably. "It's been a full day since the fight. It's almost noon now."

"And who made it through the round?" I ask, almost dreading the answer. "Jade? Kairi?"

"Both made it," Macy assures, and I breathe a sigh of relief. "It was barely a fight between Kairi and Hallie Cliffgard, though. Kairi basically got the win almost instantly; Hallie was in hysterics over what happened to her sister."

My throat tightens. "And Gertrude? What happened to her?"

Macy's gaze darkens, and she opens her mouth to answer when the door opens behind us. I jump. I actually jump, banging my wounded arms against the railing which causes my entire body to spasm with pain. I hiss but keep my eyes fixed on the man at the door, even as Macy throws me an alarmed look.

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