Chapter 20(a)

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I went back to my room after the attacks passed. Turns out the whole palace had come under siege, and Kohl and I had gotten lucky to be away from the main fray. In addition, over thirty percent of the guard this time had turned on their own this time, and I only had one major guess who was behind that. A big werewolf douchebag whose name starts with a G.

Kohl had been reluctant to leave my side after everything that had happened, but we'd agreed to meet in the library's archive at 6PM. I'd then found something to cover my naked body with – as had he – and ran back to my room as fast as possible. I'd tumbled into my room and pulled on sweatpants and a sweater, not even bothering with the undergarments. I decided Alex and Macy were my priority.

Now, I rush down the halls towards the infirmary, using all my effort not to give into the temptation to run. My mind is whirling with all sorts of worries. Is Macy okay? Was she attacked? Was Alex part of the guards who had turned against everyone? (God, I hope not). What did Kohl think of me now after everything that had happened? Why had I not burned when I caught on fire? Why had I caught on fire in the first place? And then after my clothes had burnt off—

I chew my lip as warmth licks down my spine. Despite everything, I can't get over how raw and intimate my naked embrace with Kohl felt, clutching each other as though the ground were about to open up and swallow us whole. The feeling of his skin against mine, of his strong arms around my back—

I toss the thought from my head. I can think over that later. Right now, I have more important matters to attend to.

I find Alex first. Or rather, he finds me, in one of the back corridors that leads to the infirmary. A relieved smile breaks over his face as he rushes towards me, crushing me in an embrace and thrusting his face into my hair.

"Thank fucking god," he mumbles into my hair, and I hug him back, allowing the warmth of his body to seep into me. He's here. He's alright. He's alive, and everything feels right in his embrace.

"I was so worried, Nomi," he says, pulling back to look at me. His eyes scan my face fervently, as though making sure I'm really here, that I'm really okay. "I couldn't see you in the crowd when the attack began and I just... I—"

I cup his cheek in my palm, rubbing a thumb over his jaw. "I'm here now, Alex. I'm safe," I assure him. He looks hesitant for a moment, as though he may disagree before nodding. I plant a kiss on his soft, full lips and relish in the warmth of it. But then a rod of ice slams through my chest as I remember the other person I was worrying about. "Macy... is she...?"

"She's fine," he assures. "I found her and got her to safety. We got into a little altercation with some attackers, but we came out alright. I had my sword on me." He points to a large gash on his shoulder, one which has already knitted over with healing magic, and my stomach knots up with guilt. I'm not sure why I feel guilty, but I do.

I nod, stepping back as my main two concerns flush out of me, and are replaced by my next most pressing issue. "Tell her I said I'm glad she's okay, and to visit me later tonight if she can. And if you want to see me later, Alex, come by my room and grab me. I don't want to get attacked again."

I say it jokingly, but I can tell it hurts him as pain flashes through his eyes. He'd been horrified to learn of my attack and had blamed it largely on himself. I supposed that from now on, he was going to walk me everywhere, so I would have to get used to his insistence.

"Will, do, Naomi. Stay safe," he pulls me into his arms again, and as I close my eyes and lean into the hard panes of his body, I am once again in Kohl's arms. Heat crashes through my stomach and I pull away, trying to hide my horror. Shit. Don't tell me I'm seriously thinking of the prince while hugging my boyfriend?

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