Chapter 19

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When I first woke in Kohl's room, the first thing I noticed was his absence. Well, no, actually – the first thing I noticed was that I was in an unfamiliar room, in an unfamiliar bed, and my heart skyrocketed as I tried to figure out where I was. Then the memories of last night came back to me, and that was when I looked over the bed to find Kohl's space on the floor mostly unoccupied. I say "mostly" because he left a note on the floor.

Stepping out the bed, I pad along the cold tiles to the note and lift it to my eyes. It takes them a moment to adjust to the neat scrawl on the parchment.

Went out and couldn't find the key you lost. Ordered someone to change the locks for you. I left several sets of new keys on my dresser for you, in case you ever need spares. I'm going to find the bastard who did this, I swear on it.

- Kohl

I looked towards the black dresser and, sure enough, three glinting sets of keys stared back at me. With a sigh, I swiped them up and headed for the door. I would have to explain this whole ordeal to Macy and Alex

I push open the door to Kohl's room and step out into the long corridor. A tingle rushes down my spine as I recall the memories of last night, when I sprinted along this hall while thinking the attacker was right on my heels. I swallow the tightness in my chest and force myself to the stairs. Yes, there may be some psycho maniac out for my head right now, but I'm not going to let that stop me from living my life. Besides, Kohl promised he would find the person who did this, and I don't doubt he will do everything in his power to find them.

I trail down the stairs and walk down the hall. I unconsciously speed up as I pass my room, not allowing myself to take a moment to observe the damage. From my quick scan, though, it looks as though whatever sign of struggle there was had been removed. The hallway looks in order and there isn't even any blood on the black tiles.

I continue on until I reach the maids quarters. I quickly find the door to my old room and take a moment to take a breath. I knock on the door thrice. By the third knock, it is already open, Macy staring back at me with wide eyes. I know this is her day off because she's dressed in a black turtle neck and a white and green plaid skirt.

She gives me a wide smile and throws her arms around me.

"Naomi! It feels like it's been forever."

"It's been two days, Mace," I say with a snort. She pulls back, and I don't miss the small wince that passes her lips. Her limp must be paining her more than usual. It is quite cold this morning.

Her eyes continue to scan me, and her face slowly drops. "Are you alright?"

I give her a half smile. "Yeah. Had one hell of a night last night. I got attacked in the corridors and I lost my keys—"

Macy's mouth pops open. "You were attacked?"

"Yeah. But it's okay, I'm all right now. I managed to get to Kohl's room before whomever it was could catch me again. I dropped my keys so Kohl ordered my locks to be changed, so now I have to distribute new keys."

Macy sags with relief. "Thank our sweet prince. I'm glad you're all right. Are you sure you're okay though?"

She gives me one of those assessing stares, and I do my best to plaster a reassuring smile on my face. Because, truth is, I am rattled to my core, but I don't want to show that. Not just to her, but myself too.

"I'm fine. Honestly." I hold out one of the golden keys. "Here, take it."

Macy scrutinises me for a few more moments before relenting. She reaches out to take the key from my palm, and as she does, the sleeve of her black shirt peels back and I spy faded red flesh beneath.

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