17. Uninvited slap

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I lifted my face from the computer screen as Mr. Cameroon walked into the clinic with his dog. A smile immediately spread across my face as I greeted them both. With enthusiasm, I crouched down to the dog's level and began petting him gently.

"Hey buddy, how have you been?" I cheerfully asked the furry friend, who responded with a wagging tongue and wiggling body. Mr. Cameroon stood by, a grateful smile playing on his lips.

"Well, he's been pretty fine. He wouldn't allow me to rest ever since he got his energy back," Mr. Cameroon shared, and I nodded in understanding. "I'm glad he is," I replied, genuinely happy to hear about the dog's progress.

Mr. Cameroon's appreciative smile grew wider. "I was on my way from meeting a friend when I thought I'd stop by to check up on you. Glad you're good," he said, his kind words touching my heart.

"Thank you, Mr. Cameroon. Let me get you a cup of coffee," I offered, wanting to show my gratitude for his unexpected visit.

But he shook his head politely. "No, I'm fine. I will be on my way," he declined, and we exchanged farewells. I watched as he and his dog left the clinic, their figures slowly disappearing from sight.

A smile remained on my face as I reflected on the encounter. Mr. Cameroon had shown me such unexpected kindness, taking the time out of his day to visit and check on me. It was gestures like these that reminded me of the goodness in people and the power of simple acts of compassion.

Mr. Cameroon, with his gentle demeanor and handsome presence, left a lasting impression on me. Despite not being young, he exuded a certain charm and warmth that was hard to resist.

As I stood there, I couldn't help but feel grateful for the connections I made in my work at the clinic. It was not only about caring for the animals but also about forming meaningful bonds with their owners. It was these moments of unexpected kindness that made my job fulfilling and rewarding.

As the day came to a close, I decided to treat myself to some chicken nuggets. I had been craving them since morning, but with the busyness of the day, I hadn't had a chance to order lunch. It was a small indulgence, but sometimes, a simple meal could bring immense satisfaction.

On my way home, I couldn't help but think about Logan. We hadn't crossed paths that morning, and I assumed he was an early-morning person, leaving for work before I even woke up. I understood why he had mentioned having a lot on his plate. Balancing work and personal commitments could be overwhelming at times.

As I entered the house, ready to unwind and relax, the sound of voices caught my attention. I furrowed my brows in confusion, wondering what could be causing such a commotion. Walking further into the house, I was met with a surprising scene: Sarah and Amelia were engaged in a heated argument, their voices filled with frustration and anger.

"I dare you to throw me out of the house, Amelia! Just because you're Scott's wife doesn't give you the privilege to run your mouth however you please. I am also a daughter-in-law of this house," Sarah shouted, her words laced with defiance.

Initially, I contemplated stepping away, understanding that it was not my place to meddle in their affairs. Intervening might only invite unnecessary scrutiny and potential backlash. However, as Amelia charged towards Sarah with fiery determination, my instincts kicked in, and I swiftly positioned myself between them, determined to defuse the escalating confrontation.

"Stop! Please, let's calm down and talk this through," I urged, my voice tinged with urgency. The tension in the room was palpable, and I could feel the weight of their anger hanging in the air.

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