26. In his form

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I don't know what came over me in that moment of our close proximity. My hand instinctively moved towards his bare chest, and I placed my palms against his skin. An electric shock surged through my body, sending tingles down my legs. The desire to have his lips on mine intensified, growing more powerful by the second. Logan's grip around my waist remained firm as his intense gaze locked with mine. I closed my eyes, anticipating the touch of his lips to satisfy the unexpected craving that consumed me.

"Why don't you go back to your room now?" His words brushed against my earlobe, snapping me out of my reverie. A smug smile danced upon his lips. I hadn't seen that coming. He was well aware of the effect he had on me, evident from the expression on my face. He noticed how I closed my eyes. I opened my mouth to speak, but the words got caught in my throat. Logan spoke again, his voice dripping with mischief. "But I can give you the privilege of undressing me with your eyes if you want to."

Embarrassment flooded my cheeks, as I had indeed been imagining undressing him with my gaze. Imagining him ravishing every inch of my body, kissing me passionately, taking me to new heights...

Olivia, enough!

"I... I want... goodnight," I managed to stammer, my voice barely recognizable as my own. I hastily left the room, not daring to look back or pause. I made a beeline for my own room, shutting the door behind me with a thud. I approached the bed and pulled the covers up to my nose, seeking solace in their warmth.

Why did I let myself indulge in such fantasies about how Logan would make me feel?

"Olivia, pull yourself together," I murmured, lightly slapping my face. Truth be told, I had already been prepared for his kiss earlier. I longed for his lips to remind me of the passion we shared during our one-night stand. I couldn't remember all the details of that night because I was drunk. But now, I wanted to feel it, to experience it fully, to awaken my dormant desires.

"God!" I exclaimed, rumpling the bed sheets in frustration. I couldn't stop thinking about his nakedness. The memory of it made me blush, and I could swear I felt a moistness between my legs. I was certain he was shocked as I was.

"Let's forget about it, Olivia. It's not going to happen again," I reassured myself, turning off the lamp and closing my eyes. Maybe when I woke up the next day, I would be able to put it all behind me.

I had hoped to push the scene out of my mind the following morning, but as soon as Logan walked down to join us for breakfast, it all came rushing back. The almost-kiss we had shared. What the hell!

"Why are you hissing?" Amelia's voice broke through my thoughts. Did I say that aloud?

I forced a smile and directed my attention to the breakfast in front of me. The usual silence enveloped the room, as was customary in the Nero family. I couldn't say for certain what was occupying the thoughts of the others, but for me, my mind was elsewhere. I couldn't help but think about the baby growing inside me. As time went on, my stomach would grow larger, and questions would arise from the family. How would we explain it? Would I be able to handle it?

Logan was the first to leave the table, not even glancing in my direction. It didn't sit well with me. Was he embarrassed? That I had caught a glimpse of him? I couldn't even fathom why I had gone to his room in the first place. Was it to finish our discussion or simply because I had no one else to talk to? Between the two reasons, I had no clear answer.

I pushed the thoughts from my mind and finished my meal. I helped the maid collect the used plates and took them to the kitchen. "Olivia, can we talk?" Amelia ventured into the kitchen.

I raised an eyebrow, wondering what she wanted to discuss with me. I nodded and followed her lead. We made our way to the balcony of the house. "I want to talk to you about your pregnancy," she began, and my heart pounded in my chest. Had she discovered who the father was?

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