32. She loves cake

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I took a sip of the almost cold coffee as I stole glances at Olivia through my eyelashes. I failed to understand why she was so invested in Quinn's speech. She made me stand on stage and take a picture with other kids' parents. Like I didn't see that coming. I thought we'd just sit and watch everything unfold within a short hour or so, but the way Olivia went the extra mile really touched me somewhere that wasn't supposed to.

It is rare for the Nero family to get entangled with such things. I can't recall the time my father attended any of our school events. We always do things alone, unless it involves something that will benefit him, then he would assign someone to tag along—his secretary, for that matter. Seeing Quinn standing on stage ignited a past memory inside me, but that will be a discussion or rather a distraction for another day. I don't want my anxiety to start kicking in.

"Why don't you hang the photo frame in your clinic then?" I said, dropping the cup and intertwining my hands together. That gesture made my mind wander off to earlier. I don't know what had come over me. The way her hand was secured over mine made it look as if it were meant to be there. And when she withdrew it, I knew letting it go would be the foolish thing I'd do. Because I wanted her touch. I wanted to feel the warmth radiating from her body whenever she's around me. Whenever she gave me that smile of hers.

Are Brian's words getting to me? Do I like Olivia?

"No. It's meant to be hung somewhere around the house. A particular place for everyone to see," Olivia cheered, getting my attention back to her. I found myself smiling, even though that wasn't what I intended to do. I was supposed to be at the office, working on my next schedule. But here I was, seated with Olivia, and smiling like a fool while my heart warmed up. Will this ever get any better for me?

"You really shouldn't have gone through that hassle, Olivia," I said, my voice sounding serious this time around. There's no point in trying to give life to a family that is just there. I don't think they will even appreciate the gesture. I'm sure of that.

"I did what I wanted to do. It brought a smile to Quinn's face. And then this!" she said, dropping the photo frame we had taken. Olivia and I standing side by side, with Quinn in the middle. A true definition of a perfect family picture.

Funny enough, the thought that graced my mind at that moment was Olivia and me with our own kid. What would it be like to have a family picture like that? I instantly brushed the thought off my head. There are complications regarding Olivia and my relationship. I haven't gotten to the bottom of it yet for me to have all sorts of thinking.

You fool, you are not doing anything wrong by having that thought!. I scolded myself internally.

"Thank you," I said genuinely, looking straight into her eyes. We locked gazes, a kind of gaze that spoke words. Olivia offered a smile. "It's nothing. I didn't do it for anything, but because I feel like Quinn needed someone to be there for her."

"Is that why you were in tears?" I asked, leaning back on the chair with an amused smile playing at my lips. Maybe she had forgotten, but I couldn't help but get curious as to why she was in tears because of a mere speech.

"I wasn't in tears. My eyes were just watering," she exclaimed, fisting her hand on the table. That made a short laugh escape from me.

"You can't make a fool out of me, Olivia. What is the difference between tears and watering? As far as I'm concerned, there were tears in your eyes. Care to tell me why?"

"It's nothing," she answered, but I somehow didn't find her answer convincing enough. This time her eyes indicated something. And for the life of me, I wanted to know more about the woman sitting in front of me with a smile on her face. Was I asking too much?

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