Content Creators are humans too(Autism)

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Karl was so excited for Vidcon! He could meet more of his fans! He was always excited to see some friendly faces.

His meet and greet was going smoothly to begin with. Smile, sign something, take a picture, repeat. Simple enough. All until more people showed up. They were LOUD. Karl felt himself cringing while smiling. It seemed to get harder doing small talk.

It got to a point where a security guard went up to Karl and whispered to him. "Is everything alright?"

Karl cringed at how the whispering touched his ears. "No..." Karl thought for a second. He had to keep going. He couldn't abandon his fans. "Do you have any ear defenders or like noise canceling headphones?" He whispered back to the security guard who instead of answering walked away with the intent of finding some. 5 minutes later the security guard trotted up holding blue ear defenders handing them to Karl while reassuring him that he could ask for anything else.

Putting the ear defenders on everything became a little easier. He saw some give confused looks but most were just as happy to meet him.

One girl gave him an amazing gift where Karl found himself happily shaking his hands. He didn't even try to suppress his joy and he happily stimmed.

Karl spent the rest of his day wearing the ear defenders. Karl wore noise canceling quite often in public which got the occasional glance from people. Fans, plus others wondering why a man in his twenties was wearing ear defenders. But for some reason he didn't mind it as much in vidcon. He had to take less breaks from being overstimulated and he felt genuinely more confident.

He later met up with George and Tommy for dinner who both ranted about their panel and Karl could just smile and giggle.

He knew Autism wasn't a bad thing just sometimes he needed a little weird to get through his days.

Karl Jacobs-Disability/Neurodivergent ONE SHOTS💖Where stories live. Discover now