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Karl had always hated the way he looked. His Downturned eyes made him look depressed, his big lips took up most of his face and his nose was just so goddamn long. He had watched himself grow up and his hatred for how he looked grew everyday. That's when he visited the doctor. Not for any particular reason, just a yearly checkup. That's when his hatred for himself grew. The moment he stepped on the scale it all lit up in his face, he had gained 12 pounds since last year!

Karl was disappointed in himself for letting himself go like that and it didn't help when he spent 10 minutes judging himself in the mirror. The fact that he could grab excess fat on his stomach and his arms and even his legs! The way his chin looked to the side and his fuller cheeks. How could nobody have mentioned anything!?

That's when he took to youtube. He didn't watch MrBeast videos because of how he cringed at himself on camera, but at that moment he decided to watch all of them. You could see it! You could see how he had grown! It was all right there in front of him! He decided to do something about it.

5 days later he felt better than ever! When he looked in the mirror his stomach seemed more shallow. And when he looked in the pantry he felt nauseous. Karl knew it wasn't safe to go days without eating but it made him feel powerful, like he was on top of the world! He had been taking diet pills and ibuprofen for his persistent headaches.

Looking at the clock it was time to leave for his MrBeast shift and he couldn't be happier. He listened to music the entire way and walked in with a pep in his step. That was until a couple hours later. It was like a sugar crash and he couldn't even bring himself to talk in front of the camera. He felt woozy while he stood and his brain was spinning circles. He looked towards the doors of the set, knowing there was a couch right outside but back towards the contestant who was right in the middle of winning 20 grand and he couldn't find himself able to just walk away. He swayed on his feet, gripping into a nearby table trying to steady his breathing, not wanting to show his discomfort. That's when his world went black.

Nolan POV***

I watched the contestant shove marshmallows into his mouth on the brink of winning 20k when I heard a thud. Turning around swiftly I saw Karl on the ground, unconscious. "Oh my god!" I leap to his level, trying to make sure he hadn't hit anything on the way down.

"What happened!?" I hear a concerned Kris yell, also meeting Karl's level. Petting his face and taking a pulse. "I don't know!" I yell. "He was fine a minute ago! Then he just collapsed!"

Kris suddenly shushed me, very intently listening for a pulse to occur. "He has a pulse, Chandler, go get help!" I watched Chandler run, probably going to get the medics on set. "Karl, can you hear me?" Kris got no response.

I looked at him, quiet and unconscious. He looked pale, even more pale than usual. And I briefly remember noticing earlier and brushing it off as his anemia.

The contest had stopped shoving marshmallows in his face and had Instead distanced himself from the chaos. The chaos also included Tareq, who seemed the most worried out of all of us. "Karl!" Tareq yelled. "Please wake up!"

Kris rubbed Tareq's back, seeming stressed enough already without Tareq's yells. "Screaming at him isn't going to help, we're going to have to wait for medics." Tareq nodded, rubbing Karl's left arm up and down while Kris rubbed Karl's right. I sat there shocked, and opted to play with his hair. The whole crew knew Karl's love language was physical touch and was trying to use that to make any part of Karl that was conscious see that he was safe.

I watched 4 separate medics run in, two with a cot and another holding a huge medical bag. One of the medics shooed us away from him and immediately took a pulse. "We need an oxygen mask!" She yelled, another medic lifting up his head, placing a pillow and strap around his head. The oxygen mask around his button nose and his eyes closed. He almost looked peaceful. "How long has he been out for?"

I looked towards him, finding it hard to speak. "Ummm—about 3 minutes." She nodded. I jumped when I saw his eyes peek open, just barely before shutting them again. "Hey Karl." The medic spoke in a soft tone. "Karl, are you with us?" I watched Karl's hand raise, taking the medics who stroked his hand. Karl knew the medic. Her name was Brandy and had helped Karl through multiple panic and asthma attacks. "You passed out, do you know what might have set it off?" I watched gears turn in his head before he shook it side to side. "Have you passed out before?" He once again shook his head. "Okay," she smiled. "Here's what's going to happen alright, we're going to put you on this cot and take you to the hospital to figure out what made you pass out and how to prevent it." His eyes were sullen. Karl hated hospitals.

He nodded. The medics loading him up and us following behind. I wouldn't let him out of my sight before I knew he was alright!

Karl Jacobs-Disability/Neurodivergent ONE SHOTS💖Where stories live. Discover now