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Saying Karl was having a stressful day was an understatement. It all began at 4:00am when he had been rudely interrupted by the alarm that he had clearly set for 8:00am. And of course the gesture kept him awake, considering all the thoughts that had immediately filled his head. All the things he needed to get down, those things he's been avoiding. It seemed his whole life he had been pretty consistent at remembering tasks that needed to get done but was absolute shit at actually accomplishing them.

Then the microwave didn't fucking turn on so he had to eat a cold grilled cheese sandwich which hadn't even been his first choice to begin with but they were out of pancake mix.

Now he was sitting at his desk in the middle of a meeting. He'd be lying if he said he gave a shit what the men were saying but he had tried to keep a straight face and make the occasional nod and comment which fueled their words. Usually when he was working at his desk he would take a fidget from his desk, but being in the middle of a proper meeting it felt kind of childish.

It began to become too still for him and after the 2nd hour he had begun jiggling his leg up and down, trying to give himself some sort of stimulus, which had worked for a while until the numb feeling felt off. He looked for something else to keep his mind occupied and without even realizing it began chewing on a pen. The pen gave way more happy sensations in his brain and it prompted him to chew harder. He felt the indents his teeth left and he began wanting to chew the other side to even it out. He had probably been chewing the pen for around 10 minutes until a sudden sensation of liquid had filled his mouth, in shock he glanced down at the pen, suddenly being aware of his actions.

After a couple moments of adrenaline he felt his tears piling up, the ink dripped down his face and he felt every speck as it trampled down his cheek.

The sudden realization that he was still on call had him even more overwhelmed and he quickly left, not saying anything.

The liquid was hot, his fingers felt icky as they joined and he could feel the ink forming drips that splattered onto his freshly cleaned jeans. Along with the horrible taste, nothing he had tasted before. He wanted it gone, he wanted it all gone, for it to be over!

He must have been making a lot of noise because he could hear heavy breathing enter the doorway. "Hey Karl, breathe." He heard the voice of Sapnap, suddenly appearing in front of him. "I know it's a lot, alright?" Hecouldn't say anything, He was too scared to close his mouth and swallow the ink. "I wanna take you to the bathroom alright? Let's get you washed up. Can you get to the bathroom for me?" Sapnap simply waited, looking towards his face and letting him cry. Sometimes Karl wondered how someone so carefree could love someone as burdensome as him.

He felt stupid, unable to move and help himself, to literally solve the issue. Instead he just had to sit and let himself feel the pain. Thankfully after another minute He quickly stood, Sapnap following. Karl ran first, straight into the bathroom and spitting the ink into the sink. Turning the tap on and spooning water in his hands, swishing in his mouth and cringing at the taste in between swishes. It took a couple straight minutes of him cleansing his mouth before he shut off the tap, breathing heavily, too scared to look up at Sapnap who had been standing behind him, whispering encouragements. "Better?"

Karl nodded.

"Why don't we change those ink stained clothes for some comfortable pajamas? We could watch adventure time?"

How could he say no to that?

Karl Jacobs-Disability/Neurodivergent ONE SHOTS💖Where stories live. Discover now