Golden Hour (Paralysis)

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*Karl and Sapnap

If you had told Karl 7 years ago that he would one day be able to walk he wouldn't believe it. He always remembered the days he could walk, he remembered them vividly. Then he would cry, thinking about how much freedom he had back then and how dependent he was now.

"You aren't thinking about your early days again are you?" Sapnap had sighed, taking in his beautiful boyfriend and entering the dismay with him.

"I'm sorry I just—" Karl paused, a sniffle sounding the room. "Why do you stay with me?" It was a conversation they had far too often.

"Cause I love you, I love you so much not a single word in this whole universe could describe it." Karl hummed. Sapnap always felt bad being pitiful towards him. "C'mere!" Sapnap made grabby hands, Karl shimming his way from the other side of the couch into his side, sighing with relief at the smell of his coconut shampoo. "I've been really proud of your progress K." Sapnap kissed the top of his forehead, laughing when hair got in the way.

"What, me falling over and over?"

"Stop that!"

"Stop what?"

"Stop beating yourself over something you can't control."

"But I could have Sap...I was the one driving the Fucking car! I was the one who fell asleep behind the wheel!"

Sapnap had met Karl a year ago and had an instant love at first sight. He was walking the path around the lake as he did everyday when he saw the beautiful boy sitting in a wheelchair, staring off into the water and holding a piece of bread, ripping little pieces for the ducks. "It's beautiful out here isn't it." Sapnap stood to the side of him, looking out into the water. That was until he saw the other boy look in his direction. He took that as his sign to look as well. He was beautiful. Brown curly hair that made him look soft and gray eyes that reflected on the water. The boy beside him giggled. "Yes, yes it is."

Sapnap wished for more moments like that with him. The world had dealt Karl an unfair hand and he wished for something in return. "Let's get your mind off everything." Sapnap stood, wheeling over his wheelchair and helping him sit, wheeling out to the front and helping his boyfriend into the car. A thing Karl constantly felt bad about and a thing Sapnap constantly reassured was fine.

"Where are we going?"

"It's a surprise."

"I hate surprises." Karl's voice didn't hold any menace.

"Too bad for you," Sapnap smiled while their car pooled into the lot, a smile finding his features. A sign that read Sunshine Lake.

"You didn't!"

Sapnap laughed at Karl's stupidity. "I did," He kissed his boyfriend on the cheek before moving to get him into the wheelchair. He wheeled him up the sidewalk to the lake. It was golden hour so the light perfectly hit the water.

"Wow! This isn't..."

"Yes, yes it is." Sapnap tried not to cry. He wasn't even sad, actually quite the opposite. He knew the feeling was mutual when he heard a sniffle beside him.

"It's beautiful. Just how I remembered it. I grabbed the whole wheat bread from the pantry because no one would eat it...I assumed the ducks would." Sapnap's chest blushed just like his cheeks. Karl was just such a magical and wholesome soul. He wondered how he got so lucky.

"Welp, it isn't whole wheat. But I hope this'll do." He took the bread from his pocket. The bread was crumbled into a ball.

"Ew Sap! Did you have that in your pocket this whole time!?"

"Yep, now let's feed some ducks!" Sapnap offered his hand to Karl. In their case it was a question. Karl had been taking physical therapy for years and the small amount of progress had been a huge celebration. He could stand for a minimum of 5 minutes and walk from the kitchen to the couch. He often stood up to feel like his old self.

Karl gripped onto his hand allowing Sapnap to raise him from the chair, balancing him when Karl wobbled a bit. Karl leaned on him and something told him it wasn't just because he was unstable.

"There, that duck!" Sapnap ripped a little piece, handing it to Karl's soft hands. "That one definitely wants some bread!"

So they fed the ducks. Enchanted by the water but more by each other's gaze.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13 ⏰

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