Wait it out(Seizure/Epilepsy)

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Foolish laughed over and over at the comments soaring through chat, every single one roasting Tina's football skills. Karl watched fondly as his two friends rioted, each trying their damndest to get the upper hand. "Look at her form, it's all wrong!" Foolish insisted. "You gotta spin it like this!" He demonstrated for all to see, doing a pretty shit job.

I had felt my mind wandering for the past 10 minutes, writing it of as ADHD I continued laughing along with their comments. The main problem was it wasn't going away, I continued feeling more and more disconnected to the point I dropped the football 3 times. "Hey man you good?" Foolish turned to me, speaking as quietly as possible so the chat couldn't hear. "Are you having a panic attack?" That sentence made Tina glance over for a second before continuing to entertain the stream. "I could get you some water, a fidget toy, noise canceling headphones?"

Foolish's kindness made me smile for a moment, the fact that he'd go out of this way to make sure I was accounted for.

"No, I'm fine," I lied. "Just a little tired from the shoot today."

He looked right through me knowing more was up but leaving it alone, giving a ferm alright and tending back to the stream.

I took it upon myself to grab a fidget off his desk, contemplating my options. It had hit me that this was gonna be a seizure. I've had them since I was 8, I took medication to help and I only had seizures every couple of months now. My mind was panicking, too numb to think straight. I knew I should simply leave, say "I have stuff to work on" and walk out, text Tina or Foolish to come help...but they didn't know. It also felt like I'd be awkward to leave out of nowhere, along with the fact I didn't think I could make it to the door.

Before I could think much more my brain become fuzzy and black.

Foolish POV***

I knew Karl was hiding something, he obviously wasn't alright but I didn't want to push it while on stream, thousands of people judging his answer. I didn't know how bad it was until Tina gasped, jumping up and running to Karl's chair after I heard a light thud. I turned, Karl's eyes gazing intensely towards the table, but almost as if he was looking through it. His fidget had dropped on the floor while both his hands shook. "Karl!?" Tina jumped down to his side shaking his limp body, him not moving a muscle.

After staring in shock for 20 seconds I made the realization I should end the stream. I rushed my fingers, glancing towards the very frightened chat. I felt a second of guilt for not just ending the stream and asking what was wrong.

"Karl, Karl can you hear me?" Tina asked, hands rubbing up and down his arms. I had now situated myself with my chair facing his direction, resting my hands on his slightly trembling legs. His eyes didn't dare move and the only responses she got were painful grunts he had continually made. "What's going on?" Her voice was full of pure terror, I had been too scared to speak.

"I think he's having a seizure."

"A seizure?"


"I thought seizures were shaking on the ground, this isn't shaking on the ground."

"I had a cousin who had staring seizures but they only lasted for a couple of seconds."

I continued speaking, more to make her feel better than actual knowledge.

"Oh," her voice shook, jumping when Karl's arm suddenly flew upward until resting back in its original location. Only difference was both arms now shook.

"What are we supposed to do?"

"We wait it out."

"Wait it out? Look at him Noah!"

"Hey, calm down."

"Listen to him Noah!"

"WE CAN'T DO ANYTHING! We just gotta wait it out!"

I took another look at Karl's pale face, gray eyes burrowing into the same table, in the same spot. His lips occasionally parted, smacking together. He looked almost at peace but also fighting a war at the same time.

We continued to wait it out for around 10 minutes, Tina deciding it was better began telling funny stories while she continuously rubbed his shaking arms.

When he finally began stopping his eyes changed from staring to closing, he leaned back in his chair and let out a tired groan, eventually after about 1-2 minutes he opened his eyes, looking into mine. They looked dazed, still not fully there but slowly recovering, he looked almost confused?

"Hey Karl, you just had a seizure, are you alright?" Half of him seemed to be looking through me the other half desperately trying to communicate.

"Can't talk?"

He didn't answer so I took that as a yes.

"Alright, put up your right thumb for yes and left for no, got it?"

He raised his right thumb.

"Great! Do you understand what happened?"

Right thumb.

"Has this happened before?"

Right thumb.

"Should we call an ambulance?"

Left thumb.

"Alright, you just wanna chill?"

Right thumb.


Right thumb.

"Cartoons it is!"

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