Chapter 4: Wild Honey

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"Daughter this is beautiful!"

Cheng Waner exclaims after seeing the bamboo basket her daughter weave.

It is not just her who was amazed, even the villagers who were helping out marveled at her work.

"your daughter is amazing!"

one of them exclaims, really amazed how a plain bamboo basket can turn out very beautiful.

Ling Wei finally noticed her surroundings, she smiles bashfully.

she bows at them and then hurriedly left the place

"We didn't know your daughter is this shy!"

one of the villagers joked.

Cheng Waner just smile apologetically to the villagers.

but they just laugh saying that it's okay because the young girl is shy.

Ling Wei hurriedly enters her room, she bit her lip in frustration!

she forget her surroundings and unconsciously did something unbelievable!

she sighs and hopes that her family won't ask anything about it.

because of this incident, she didn't want to make a bamboo hat anymore, she didn't want to expose herself!

but she didn't know that she was just overthinking.

after the amazement, the villagers talk about it a little but no one asks about this.

when they are dining Ding Cui said

"Weiwei the basket is very beautiful! many of the villagers marveled at your work!"

Ling Wei smiles shyly

"Grandma if you want I will make you one, but this basket is heavier compared to the normal one!"

even though the tree sap was applied thinly, it will still weigh more.

"no need! this one is only pleasing to the eyes but not good to use"

Ling Wei nods in agreement but, her aesthetic is already deeply imbued in her bones so she'd rather face the hardship than look at the plain-looking things.

her mother also agreed and didn't ask what she will do at the basket.

she only thought that this is just part of Ling Wei's impulses.

Ling Wei was relieved that her grandma and mother didn't ask anymore.

The pigpen and chicken coop is already done yesterday so Ding Cui and Chen Waner stayed waiting for the piglets and chicks.

Ling Bin heard their plan, he is worried and curious at the same time so he tag along.

Ling Wei asks her elder brother to make torches.

when everything is ready, Ling Wei asks Ling Bin and Ling Han to climb on the tree with the beehive.

because Ling He is only 4 so he is not yet allowed to climb up so he and Ling Wei burn the grass and woods.

because Ling Wei doesn't want any accidents in the forest, she burns some dried grass and wood but mostly it is fresh.

they don't need fire, they only need smoke so this is much better.

Ling Bin and Ling Han use their torches and according to Ling Wei, they point the smoke to the beehive.

the swarm of bees left the hive to avoid the smoke.

this time, Ling Wei's smoke rose higher so the brothers had a chance to steal the honey.

but because this is their first time, the bees still manage to sting the siblings.

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