Chapter 20

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Shu Qi glanced at the boy in front of him, they are now traveling back to the capital after 3 days of staying in the village.

he can't help but worry.

Qin Yuanzheng's interest in Ling Wei is very evident!

"teacher, just say it!"

Qin Yuanzheng asks.

"replying to the 5th prince, this servant is just worried about the Ling family"

Long Yi Sheng the 5th prince of the Long empire, who introduced himself as Qin Yuanzheng to the Ling family chuckle

"teacher, don't be wary of me"

Qi Shu nod respectfully.

he just hopes that this interest is just temporary.

although Ling Wei is an intelligent girl, but he hoped that she wouldn't learn to scheme.

but it seems that fate has a different plan for her.

When the visitors left, Ling Bin has to return to the academy so the Ling house becomes deserted all of the sudden.

Ling Wei lives just like usual, and still trying to make soap, she already has a breakthrough but it's still not enough.

she already failed for how many times but, she is determined!

hard work will pay off!

but because the snow started to fall heavily, she didn't have a choice but to stop! her materials came from nature, so now they are all frozen so her experiment halt.

because it's boring to just stay inside the house, she and her brother keep on going out, searching for some fun.

Cheng Waner can't do anything about them, so they can only bundle them before going out.

They found a small frozen lake, then Ling Wei taught them on making fish poles and to fish.

Ling Han and Ling He become excited so they invited some of their friends, including Sisi, Nini, and Mumu.

after that, Ling Wei learns how to make traps to catch some small animals like rabbits.

her days pass by like this until the new year break start.

Cheng Waner cooks a lot of food for Ling Bin's return.

Ling Wei noticed that Ling Bin was a little absent-minded, she already had a vague guest but she still want him to say it.

"the emperor wants to train a large number of people to become a soldier"

Ling Bin said when he and Ling Wei are cleaning the pigpen.

Ling Wei pauses then look up and smile

"then brother don't miss this chance! did you sign up?"

Ling Bin is relief seeing no objection or regret in his sister's eyes and nod

"I already did, the previous war already ended and the soldiers successfully push the enemy into hiding so it will be peaceful for 2 to 3 years"

Ling Wei agreed

"so you better train well brother! you will put into a lot of hardship but i believe you can go through it! you will become the strongest soldier in our country!"

Ling Bin smile, he can feel warm thanks to his sister's word.

as long as his family trusts and believes him, he won't fail! he is sure about that!

Ling Bin won't go back to the academy after the new year, he will go straight to the military camp to train so Ling Wei becomes more sticky to him

they become almost inseparable which makes Cheng Waner worry!

after the new year, Ling Wei will turn 9 and Ling Bin will turn 11! this is not good for them to stick together all the time!

"let them be! Bin-er is like his father and grandfather! maybe she just misses them!"

Ding Cui gently said, Cheng Waner fell into contemplation.

maybe her mother-in-law is right! maybe Ling Wei just badly misses her father and grandfather.

Ling Bin's departure arrives, Ling Wei insists on dropping him.

"big brother, i won't give you anything, for now, i will not gonna help you to make your life easy inside the camp, i want you to pass everything on your own! I trust you can do that! when the time comes that you can finally send a letter, only i will send you something!don't worry about us and keep your mind focused! this is what you want so no matter what, you have to give your all! once you enter, there is no way you can go back!don't give up okay? always remember that your family is waiting for you!"

Ling Bin's eyes reden, he nod solemnly and said

"you be careful okay? i will train hard!"

Ling Wei nod and then smile, she cannot show any sadness to her brother! she cannot make him worry!

Shu Qi is the one in charge of taking Ling Bin into the camp, Ling Wei thanks him a lot before departing.

Shu Qi pat Ling Bin's soldier and advise him

"child, this path is not easy, so listen to your sister, don't worry about them, and just focus on training, when you enter the camp, the war will start.war with people around you, war with your superior, and most of all war with yourself so you cannot just once be distracted because it will cause you a lot! your subordinates, your life, and your country so be careful"

Ling Bin wipes his tears then nods with great determination!

he won't let his family down! especially his sister who believes and trusts him.

it takes 7 days before they reach the campsite, Ling Bin brace himself when he enters.

Shu Qi help him on settling down before leaving.

they can only sleep in a tent, for now, that is part of the training.

there will be 3 people in each tent because Ling Bin arrived first so he gets to choose his bed.

he choose the left bed and make his bed.

the training will start tomorrow, so he has to rest early.

he ate the dried meat and pickled vegetable that his mother successfully made.

remembering his mother, he thinks about his family, they will open the first family shop, and they will sell this.

when he realized that he become distracted, he shook his head vigorously.

then the tent flap open

"ooh! I didn't expect to meet a friend here"

Ling Bin was surprised then hurriedly greet the newcomer

"Young master Qi Huanzang"

Long Yi Shen chuckle

"I am just an ordinary person in here! we are all equal so no need to call me young master"

Ling Bin purse his lips then nod

"Just call me brother Zang and i will call you brother Bin, we are now in the military so we are now brother in arms".

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