Chapter 118

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"Can you believe it? My friend has been duped by your capable minister! What a cunning man! And to think that Mumu thought that it was her who forced him! And they did not do anything besides sleeping!"

Long Yi Sheng chuckled then asked

"Seems like my wife wants them to do something else?"

Ling Wei slaps her husband's broad chest and explains

"My meaning is, their innocence is intact! What kind of responsibility does Mumu have to take? And that incident can remain secret if my innocent Mumu did not panic!"

Long Yi Sheng hugged his wife and started reminiscing

"Just like us before our wedding! We slept in the same bed how many times right?"

Ling Wei froze and exclaims

"We did not! It was you keeping entering a girl's boudoir with impure thoughts!"

Long Yi Sheng laughs loudly

"Wifey, no man will enter their beloved's bedroom with pure thoughts! But, it is the love and respect that stop men from doing something to their unwedded beloved girl! I respect you and love you so I will not do something that will make you sad and doubt my sincerity"

Ling Wei smiles and kisses him

"so each time you came, your thoughts are full of those unholy things?"

Long Yi Sheng's eyes darken, he carries his beloved wife in a bridal position and whispers

"Why not I demonstrate those unholy things to my dearest wife?"

Ling Wei's eyes widen and start struggling while explaining

"It was a joke! Let me go! Why are you being so petty!"

Long Yi Sheng just chuckled but did not let her go.

The days passed very fast, Zhi Heng did not waste any time and in just three months he finally brought his beloved home.

Ling Wei noticed that Long Yi Sheng's body was getting thinner so she called all the physicians to check on him and found nothing.

Long Yi Sheng let her do whatever she wanted while laughing helplessly

"silly wife, I am just exhausted, my capable Prime minister is on vacation so it is only natural that my work is doubled"

Ling Wei pursed her lips and looked at him worriedly

"Then end his vacation right away! It has been a week now!"

Long Yi Sheng smiles while hugging her

"he will go back tomorrow! Dont worry wife, your husband is healthy"

Seeing his jubilant smile, she reluctantly believe.

When Ling Wei left, Long Yi Sheng clutched his aching heart.

The pain starts when his son was born and as time goes by, it's getting worse. 

The physician checked him but to no avail, no one could tell what was wrong with him.

When Zhi Heng started his official duty again, Long Yi Sheng left the capital for inspection.

Ling Wei wanted to accompany him but he stubbornly refused, saying that it would be dangerous, so she sadly bid him goodbye and repeatedly reminded him about his safety and health.

After a few days of Long Yi Sheng being absent, Ling Wei starts feeling restless so her friends urge her to go out and take a breather.

Feeling that she won't have a good stay inside the palace she agreed.

While walking around at the night market, Ling Wei heard a song.

The voice is very audible but she still heard it.

She was not surprised by the voice but rather by the song!

Almost all of the children from the modern world know this song!

She looked around and finally saw the person!

Ling Wei was stunned, the man was dressed is tattered, and he looked dirty and homeless.

She bit herself to stop herself from crying.

The man did not notice her and continued singing.

After calming her tumultuous emotion she sings with him

'up above the world so high, like a diamond in the sky, twinkle twinkle little star how I wonder what you are?'

The man was obviously stunned when he turned to Ling Wei, and Ling Wei did not stop and continued singing while looking at the man.


He exclaims and is about to pounce on Ling Wei but a sword in his face stops him

Ling Wei had totally forgotten about her shadow guards so she was as surprised as the man was.

"Empress, it's time to go back"

The man slumped on the ground and looked at Ling Wei with eyes widen


Ling Wei had no time to explain so she said

"Bring him along and don't hurt him!"

Then turns around to return to her group.

Ling Wei arranged a place for the man to sleep inside the palace but did not meet the man and cradle her son to sleep.

When the morning came only then she visited him

"The empress has arrived!"

The eunuch loudly announces making the man restless.

"No need to be so formal! Come and talk to me! What is your name?"

"replying to the empress, this lowly one's name is Wu Pei"

Then Ling We starts asking about Wu Pei's past life.

She learned that he died when he was only 14 years old and transmigrated to the Mo country.

She also found out that it was his idea to dig a base to hide from the enemy.

When the Mo country was defeated, he hurriedly escaped, afraid to die again.

"I was only following their order! I never want to harm anyone that is why I only taught them these tricks! Please I am begging have mercy!"

Ling Wei nodded and asked again

"what else do you know?"

Wu Pei wipes his tears and snot and answers her honestly

"My family is from a military, but I am the black sheep of the family that is why my knowledge is limited"

"That is fine! I will arrange you inside the military, I will ask my brother to train you when recover, then you can start"

Wu Pei knelt and started kowtowing while thanking her

"Thank you so much! I am truly grateful!"

Ling Wei smiled kindly and said

"I am glad that I met someone from our world! As long as I am the empress, you will be safe, I promise you that"

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