Chapter 48

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In the end, Long Yi Sheng gave her 6 pearls that make Ling Wei cry out of happiness.

Long Yi Sheng was helpless to her reaction, but as long as she liked it.

Ling Wei stares at the pearl for a very long time trying to decipher its component.

The family was dumbstruck by her behavior but they cannot do anything about it.

Time flew very fast.

Ling Bin and his colleagues will start their official duty as soldiers.

When Ding Cui and Cheng Waner heard the news they cried a river.

They even hurriedly go to the temple to ask for an amulet for Ling Bin and Long Yi Sheng.

"Brother I did not get a lot of time together this time but next time I will surely spend most of my time with you"

Ling Wei said while crying and sniffing.

"silly Weiwei, it doesn't matter, the time we spent together is enough, big brother is already happy"

"take care of yourself okay? And write us always, don't forget okay?"

"eldest brother can you leave later? Our training is not yet completed! who will teach us?"

"2nd brother is right! Eldest brother stay for a little more okay?"

Ling Bin chuckled and ruffle his siblings' hair

"while eldest brother is absent the duty of protecting the family will land in both of you okay? Promise me okay?"

Ling He and Ling Han wipe their tears and snot and answer

"eldest brother it's a promise! We will take good care of Grandma, Mother, and sister"

"Bin-er take good care okay? Always be careful"

Ling Bin hugs his family one by one before leaving.

In the end, Cheng Waner did not manage to say anything because she keeps on crying.

Long Yi Sheng didn't have a chance to say his goodbye in person but he left a letter for them and also for Ling Wei alone.

Ling Wei open the letter and scratches her nose, she is confused why have to use a large piece of paper and just wrote 'see you later' words?

But she didn't know that Long Yi Sheng has a lot of things to say, but in the end, he end up writing only these words.

The Ling house is gloomy for how many days and becomes more desolate when Ling He and Ling Han go back to the academy.

Ling Wei is down for how many days but she has to cheer herself because of her mother and grandmother.

"25 days before we arrive"

Long Yi Sheng said to Ling Bin while they are camping for the night.

Ling Bin nod, they have been away for 2 weeks now and he is still listless.

He already misses his family.

Long Yi Sheng pat his shoulder knowingly.

"This is part of being a soldier, we have to bravely face it"

Ling Bin sighed and nodded, deciding to pick himself up and stop being gloomy.

Long Yi Sheng leaves him alone so he can rectify himself.

After traveling for more than one month they finally arrived.

Ling Bin saw the desolate border and sighed.

The whole place is frozen, and everything you will see is just snow, although the camp was built in a forest but, the forest itself is like a haunted forest.

"These trees are different, they will bloom once every 3 months"

Voiced out one of the soldiers when he noticed the reaction of the new recruits.

Ling Bin was outstation in a wasteland, the place is except ice, and there is nothing else.

The coldness is sipping through their clothes, it is a good thing that all of them are martial artists so this cold won't affect them much but, living here will be hard.

"This borderline is the easiest to guard, as you can see, as far as you all can see is snow, so it is easy to detect anyone who tries to come near us"

General Fu Hai explains still proud of his achievement.

3 other generals fought with him just to handle these newbies but in the end, his greatness prevail.

Each of them has been given a tent to be shared with 4 people, two old soldiers, and two recruits.

Long Yi Sheng and Ling Bin with Shi Wu and Xiong Tian.

These two men entered together 6 years ago, both of them came from the same village but only Shi Wu is married with a daughter.

Xiong Tian's look is not bad, but because of a scar on his chin, he looks rough and scary so it was hard for him to find a wife, so at the age of 21, he is already late.

Shi Wu has an unremarkable appearance, he is the typical person who can be easily forgotten.

When 4 of them meet for the first time, Ling Bin gave them the dried foods his mother and grandmother pack for him.

When the two of them saw dried fruits they were dumbstruck.

It was novel for them, but after a slight pause, they hurriedly took one and eat it.

Long Yi Sheng and Ling Bin were astonished to see two burly men teared up after trying the dried fruits.

Shi Wu scratch his head seeing the awkward reaction of the younger so he explains

"It's been a while since we last eat some fruits, as you can see, this is barren land, except for meat and rice, we really do lack fruits and vegetables"

Long Yi Sheng and Ling Bin finally understand they don't think about this problem because they never experience this kind of situation.

Long Yi Sheng nodded then suddenly had an idea.

He hurriedly goes to the general's tent with Ling Bin.

Ling Bin is skeptical about what is running through Long Yi Sheng's mind but he still follows along.

"General Fu I have a suggestion about the lack of fruits and vegetables"

Fu Hai was about to sleep but what the 5th prince said woke him up.

He hurriedly calls his lieutenant and captains.

In their camp, their a total of 6 lieutenants and 3 captains.

Fu Hai introduces Long Yi Sheng still as Qin Yuanzheng and Ling Bin.

After the both of them salute respectfully Long Yi Sheng finally start

"as this subordinate said earlier, this subordinate has an idea about the lack of fruits and vegetables"

Then he takes out a pack of dried fruits and vegetables and shows them to his superiors.

"please try it, this is dried fruits and vegetables we brought with us"

The captains and lieutenants checked and tried the dried goods and were stunned, they didn't expect this!

Fu Hai was enlightened

"you mean we can use this?"

Long Yi Sheng nodded and then point at Ling Bin

"their family started it and brought it to the capital more than 3 years ago"

Ling Bin finally realized why he was dragged as well.

Fu Hai heard about it but, the novels and rich people do not need it.

Stack of foods has no issue for them.

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