Chapter 83

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After that day, Ling Bin made sure that he was always inviting Ling Wei.

Just like when they were young, hunting, fishing, harvesting wild fruits and vegetables, or even searching for some new variety of flowers they had never before.

So Ling Wei's days pass through just like that.

After almost a month after Ling Bin's return, they did almost everything they did when they were younger.

"Weiwei what about catching loach and eels?"

Ling Wei freeze

"No! I will not"

She doesn't like the feeling of catching those squirming cold and slippery loaches and eels.

"Weiwei let us do that! When we were younger we were always doing that!"

Fu Si exclaims while entering, she just comes to ask something but she accidentally hears their plan so she excitedly cuts in on their conversation.

"it is settled then! I will tell Nini and Mumu!"

She decided then volt out of the house again.

The sibling looks at the departing Fu Si while shaking their heads.

However, the plan did not happen because Long Yi Sheng arrived.

Ling Wei subconsciously wants to run out and see if it's true but she forces herself to calm down.

Ling Bin clicked his tongue dissatisfied, why did he still come? He is already the crown prince! He has a lot of duties and responsibilities!

Don't tell him that he is already done with all that work.

But the facts are already before his eyes so he can only greet him coldly.

Long Yi Sheng saw the shock and disbelief in the sibling's eyes and smiled secretly.

He shot a glance at Ling Wei and smiled charmingly when he entered their house.

Ling Bin's eyes darken and stand in the middle of them to block the pig's sight.

"Yuanzheng! Welcome back! How is your family?"

Ding Cui greeted him

"Grandma Ding, thank you, don't worry everything is fine, my family is all well, but I have something very important to say"

Cheng Waner and Ding Cui got nervous because of how serious his expression was.

"Weiwei, why not call your younger brothers and master Qi Shu and stay inside your room okay?"

Ling Wei, Ding Cui, and Chen Waner were confused

"why i am being expelled?"

But Ling Bin just patted her head gently and said

"listen to big brother okay?"

Ling Wei pursed her lips and finally obeyed her brother.

Long Yi Sheng got jealous of how obedient Ling Wei is to Ling Bin but he loved everything about her including her defiant appearance.

Ling Bin snorted at Long Yi Sheng just sat down

Ding Cui and Cheng Waner were confused about Ling Bin's behavior.

Are they fighting?

"Are you saying that you are the current crown prince?"

Ding Cui exclaimed after Long Yi Sheng's simple introduction

"newly crowned prince, grandmother"

Ling Bin corrected

"and you also want to ask our permission to marry our Weiwei?"

Cheng Waner added

"yes, Mother! The wolf was dressed as a sheep to get close to our rabbit!"

Ling Bin sourly added but Long Yi Sheng remained serious

"And besides you are the crown prince! Marrying Weiwei is inappropriate, right? I don't think that emperor will allow you to marry a girl from a humble background"

"Aunt no need to worry about that"

Long Yi Sheng said

"the emperor and the empress dowager liked Ling Wei quite a lot so I don't think it will be an issue"

Qi Shu voiced out.

"b-but, living in a palace is extremely dangerous, you will be the successor of the throne and Weiwei will not win against women vying for your favor"

He will sit on the throne next and surely he won't marry only 1 wife right?

"and we don't have the power to protect her, we cannot possibly send her to a lion's den right?"

Cheng Waner and Ding Cui explained worriedly

"Aunt, grandma don't worry, I already swore an oath to Weiwei that she will be my one and only wife and I am willing to give up the throne just for her, if she says it then I will give it up, and no one can ever harm Weiwei while I am still alive, this is sworn to you"

The whole room was quiet until Ling He asked

"what if you make sister unhappy?"

Long Yi Sheng nods then answers still as seriously as before

"I will not make her unhappy, I will give to her everything she wants within my power, I will listen to her every word just like how you listen to her and I will spoil her just like how you spoil her"

"If you make her cry then I will fight you!"

Ling Han said with a 'threat' but Long Yi Sheng took it seriously and nodded solemnly.

"Then I will take my leave now, I will resume my review and take the first on the incoming examination, I will be a prime minister so I can have enough power to take my sister back once she was bullied"

"me too! I will study hard but not to enter official dom but to continue what my sister started, I will be rich enough to slam the palace once my sister becomes unhappy"

Ling Han and Ling He said respectively.

"Your Highness we only asked one, if you ever felt that you are dissatisfied with our Weiwei and wanted to marry another one then please just divorce her, we beg you"

Cheng Waner asked humbly, she knew her better well, she is overbearing and she has been telling us that she won't share her future husband with another girl, she would rather grow old alone.

Long Yi Sheng shook his head

"I will accept Ling Bin's sword thrust on my heart willingly once that happens, I will automatically write an agreement and you will keep it as my promise"

"your Highness is it that tad bit too much?"

Shu Qi asked nervously but Long Yi Sheng was determined.

He won't let Ling Wei's family doubt him, he will show him how he is willing to do anything for her and this simple agreement is nothing.

He can sacrifice anything even the whole country and his life for her.

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