Chapter 96

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"sister when you got married, mother and grandmother don't have an appetite"

Ling He tattled

"Mother, Grandma don't do this okay? You will make us worry! You have to eat, because once Weiwie and I birth a child who will help us then?"

Long Yi Sheng said when he entered after bringing out all the gifts while looking at his wife's red eyes helplessly.

Ling Wei blushed and looked at Long Yi Sheng incredulous!

What is he talking about even in front of her family?

But these words made the two women stop

"yes! His Highness is right! Weiwei don't worry! We will certainly take good care of you once you get pregnant"

Ding Cui assured her.

"yes Weiwei, your grandmother is right! Wait let me cook some nourishing soup for all of us"

Seeing the sudden change of them, Ling Wei was dumbfounded and later giggled.

She looks at Long Yi Sheng with appreciation.

Long Yi Sheng just smiled gently and was about to sit beside his wife but was stopped by the new arrival Ling Bin.

Ling Bin who came in a hurry saw this scene, the wolf trying to come near the rabbit again.

He did not forget that they had already got married but he didn't care!

Long Yi Sheng won't be go near his sister in his presence!

"Your Highness please help me practice for a while"

Then pulled him away, Long Yi Sheng looked helplessly at his brother-in-law and his giggling wife.

"sister nobody bullied you right? The crown prince's servants did not make it hard for you, right? His family did not bully you as well right?"

Ling He asked continuously that makes Ling Wei dizzy

"Nobody bullies me! No one dares, and his highness's family likes me a lot so no need to worry"

Ling Wei said assuring him.

"sister just be happy okay? We will take care of Mother and Grandma, just focus on giving us nephew sooner okay?"

"why nephew? You don't want a niece?"

There was no matriarchal system in their family, so she is wondering why.

"brother-in-law law will be the emperor, he will need a successor"

Ling Wei smiled, and explain

"Children are given by fate, we cannot choose what kind of children we can have, we can only do is to treasure them and love them, son or daughter is the same if your brother-in-law changes his mind because I cannot produce him a son then maybe we are not meant for each other"

"Who cares about having a son or not? As long as I am with my wife"

Long Yi Sheng loudly said making the others look up and find him and Ling Bin at the entrance.

Ling Bin snort

"big talk! Let's see what you will gonna do once this happens!"

Cheng Waner smacks his head

"Are you cursing your sister? you fool!"

Then look at Long Yi Sheng worriedly but Long Yi Sheng is not a bit bothered.

"I and Weiwei still have a long way, I got a lot of time to prove myself"

He said while looking tenderly at Ling Wei.

Cheng Waner smiles, she is satisfied by her grandson-in-law's performance, even though he is the crown prince, he never shows any airs of being one.

And his patience towards his brother-in-law is top-notch.

Before lunchtime, Fu Si, Ping Mu, and Lu Nini with Xiong Jun came.

Then the Ling house becomes rowdy until the sunset.

Ling Wei hugged them tightly before leaving while stopping herself from crying.

"madam, just visit them anytime you want, no need to bawl your eyes out"

Long Yi Sheng said pained while looking at his crying wife.

"but it's not good! The people might think that we are having problems that is why I am keep visiting them!"

Long Yi Sheng is feeling really helpless about his wife.

He can bring down any country or can make those old fogey's in court to follow him but, he cannot do anything against his wife.

While contemplating their carriage suddenly stopped

"Your Highness there is trouble outside"

"what happens?"

"it seems that the young miss of the Cong family was being harassed"

Long Yi Sheng's face darkened when he heard the name

"then what you all are waiting for? Call the magistrate! what is he here for if he can't do this small thing? Let him investigate the ins and outs of this incident and go to the Cong family, asking them to not let their young daughter come out during the night! I can ask Mother Empress someone for reeducation if it is necessary"

He said loudly and did not forget to add to one of his servants

"I don't want to hear any gossip that it was me who personally saved that person"

Ling Wei was confused

"Who is that Cong family?"

"Long Jia Ji's in-laws"

"you have any feud with this family?"

"no, but maybe later, I will tell you when we got home okay?"

Ling Wei nodded, although she was super curious but she knew that the location was not appropriate so she kept her curiosity.

"do you mean the crown prince passed by and said those things? And even made sure that no gossip will spread?"

Madam Cong asked with anger, she personally allowed her daughter to come out that time and hired the group to 'harass' her daughter! It was clearly a perfect plan to have this 'chance' encounter with the crown prince despite the presence of Ling Wei.

It was good that she used extreme measures for this incident and did not leave a single clue that would point to her but, this group still has to die.

But she did not know that Long Yi Sheng's people already found out everything.

"tell me! What is wrong with this Cong family?"

Long Yi Sheng chuckle helplessly,

"eat first okay? Then I will tell you everything"

Ling Wei pout

"can't you tell me now? why after the meal?"

Long Yi Sheng kissed her pouting lips then said

"yes, meal first, I will go into the study first to read some report okay? I will be back before the meal"

Then left in a hurry, Ling Wei was dumbfounded and shook her head, confused as to why he had to run away.

But the truth is, Long Yi Sheng can't control himself in Ling Wei's front.

If she acted more spoiled, he would surely spill everything.

It was the empress's mother who told her everything, and when he learned it, he sent someone to spy on that family.

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