Chapter 134

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Maybe the heavens heard Ling Wei's beg and cry so when the morning came her grandfather woke up.

The whole family cried and asked the old man worriedly to ensure that he did not have any sequelae.

After the continuous assurance of the doctors and the patient, the Ling family finally heaved a sigh of relief and then finally took the elderly home.

"Mom, Dad, why not stay with us while recuperating"

Su Xue suggested approval by her husband and daughter

"Xue-er is right, Mom, Dad, stay with us"

Ling Wei looked expectantly at her grandmother and grandfather but was disappointed by their answer

"you know that our life is on our small farm, you can just come to us when you all are not busy!"

Grandfather said and add

"And besides, I can fully rest there unlike here"

The family silently nodded.

The bustles of the city are incomparable to the quietness and tranquility of the farm.

"Then Grandpa, Grandma, let Dad hire a helper for both of you"

"That's right! We can only feel at ease if someone will look after the both of you"

The two elderly finally compromised after seeing the worry in the eyes of the couple, especially from Ling Wei's still-red eyes.

After arriving at the old couple's house, Ling Wei decided to stay with them while waiting for the person who would look after the elderly.

Ling Wei helped her grandma with everything making the old woman sigh helplessly

"Weiwei, grandma is fine! No need to worry"

But Ling Wei ignored her words and kept busy herself.

Her parents are very reliable, after a day, a helper finally came.

Ling Wei gave the new helper a lot of reminders before leaving.

While on the way, Ling Wei received a call from her father

"Weiwei, go straight home, there are lots of reporters waiting for you"

Ling Wei is skeptical

"Waiting for me? "

"Someone wrote a baseless rumor about you, no worries, Dad is now searching for the culprit"

Ling Wei knit her eyebrows, although she didn't know what was going on but she was not stupid

"Dad call Mr. Hu and ask him to quickly resolve this problem he made"

Ling Chun fell silent, after a while he sighed and said

"Then let me call him, for now, you cannot go out okay? Bare with us for a while"

Ling We hummed before cutting off the call, without asking she knew that it was Li Fei who was making a problem.

Except for her, no one can summon a lot of paparazzi to disturb her.

After arriving home, she slumped on her bed and checked the news.

She was right.

The number trending is about Ling Wei, Hu Yi Sheng, and Li Fei.

She sighed after seeing those out-of-the-line words and closed her eyes.

After resting for an hour her mom knocked on her dad's and came in

"Weiwei I read the news and the news about you is finally resolved, but your dad said that you should not go out these days, wait until everything is settled"

Ling Wei nodded making her mom smile.

Their daughter is kind and behave, although there a times that she won't listen but she never gives them a long time of worries.

But ever since she woke up, she became more sensible and more mature.

But despite that, she and her husband are still having a lot of concerns about her.

Maybe being a parent is like this.

If your child doesn't give you any more things to worry about, you will still have to find some excuses to worry.

Funny but this is a fact.

Parenting is being a worrywart to your child.

Ling Wei again became a homebody for a week.

On the 8th her father finally lifted her ban.

"Accompany us on an auction tonight"

Ling Wei's eyes lit up, finally! She can go out!

Her mother calls her stylist to help them.

Ling Wei was dressed stunningly and her dignified aura became more apparent making the stylist marvel.

When the Ling family arrives at the venue, the event isn't yet to start.

The people who arrived earlier came to greet Ling Chun and his wife.

Ling Chun did not forget to introduce his daughter earning him a lot of praise after meeting Ling Wei.

When the auction is about to start, the organizer starts leading the guests to their designated place.

After sitting down, a slight commotion can be heard not far from them.

Ling Wei curiously looked back but hurriedly looked away after seeing the cause of the commotion.

Hu Yi Sheng has just arrived at the venue so a lot of guests who want to curry favor hurriedly come to greet him.

He frowned but still nodded at the people around him before walking away.

The organizer wanted to give him a chair in front but he refused it and decided to sit next to Ling Wei.

He politely greeted the Ling couple and Ling Wei.

The Ling couple badly wanted to ignore him but because they are at a public place so they gave him some face.

Ling Wei just grunts and ignores him afterward.

The guests around, although discreetly but keeping their attention to them made Ling Wei pursed her lips and glared at the man beside her.

The guests around silently swallowed, thinking that Hu Yi Sheng would be annoyed but they were greatly shocked when they saw the cold-looking man smile softly at the girl beside him.

The whole circle knows about the engagement of these two but everyone thinks that it was only an agreement for the benefits that both of them could bring.

And with the news circulating and how Hu Yi Sheng refused to meet Ling Chun, they all thought that the bogus engagement will end sooner and yet,

Seeing how gentle the man around Miss Ling, it seems that the wedding is around the corner.

Ling Wei as always ignores Hu Yi Sheng but the man seems blind to her cold treatment.

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