Chapter 99

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"most of them will be princesses, those countries want to test the water as well! They want to see if they could stuff the princesses inside your harem! And if by luck they can even snatch my place away"

Ling Wei said with gritted teeth while glaring at Long Yi Sheng.

Long Yi Sheng saw his wifey being worked out so he hurriedly calmed her down

"my darling, it is not worth it to get mad at them"

But Ling Wei just stayed glaring at him so he had no choice but to leave his chair and sit beside her.

He sat down and put her into his lap and scratched her little nose

"my sweetheart don't worry! Let them doubt us now, let them try those cheaps tricks, they will get tired anyway because we will show them how perfect we are with each other, we are meant for each other"

Ling Wei rolled her eyes at him and asked

"Where did you learn those cringy lines?"

Long Yi Sheng kissed her face first before the answer

"those words came from my heart! I don't need anything, my feelings are enough"

Ling Wei laughed

"you are being so sappy!"

"what is wrong about it? I am just being real and honest"

Ling Wei laughs more at his corniness but like always, he is able to calm her uneasiness.

As the days pass very quickly, Ling Wei's crowning ceremony is coming.

Ling Wei had already been married for a month, although there were days that it was boring but once Long Yi Sheng arrived at her side, even it was not boring.

She will be crowned after 2 weeks and most of the envoys will be coming after a week.

The young miss of the Cong family is already investigated and based on everyone's word, she is innocent.

Her mother's doing is beneath her knowledge.

She was raised very innocently.

In short, she was a perfect puppet.

Whatever her mother tells her she will follow.

Ling Wei's head throb, she has been having this sensation since last week.

She sighed and stood up to tell this to the empress and dowager but a sudden wave of dizziness came.


Her maids cried out seeing her almost fall.

Xiao Yue was the nearest so it was she who caught Ling Wei in time

"I am fine! It was just Because of my sudden movement, no worries"

"madam, why not just let the physician take a look?"

Momo Sang asked worriedly but Ling Wei just laughed it off

"momo, I am fine! I just stand up suddenly! No need to make a fuss over it!"

Seeing her ruddy appearance, Sang Momo finally nods.

"you cannot judge people just by hearsay, you have to meet someone in person before making any judgment"

The empress said.

Ling Wei paused and then nodded her head after a while

"yes Mother Empress I understand, thank you for your advice, I will surely remember it"

Ling Wei also told the empress dowager

"your empress mother is right, Weiwei always stay vigilant, aija knows that Yi Sheng wanted you to stay innocent but this can't be, we are living inside the palace, and the palace is a battlefield as well, Open your eyes and see everything clearly"

Ling Wei thanked the empress dowager deeply and started contemplating about a lot of things.

She doesn't know if the emperor really agrees with Long Yi Sheng not taking any other wife, but each time she makes her usual greetings with the empress most of the time the emperor is there and everything seems fine.

She hopes that it is not on the surface.

But she also felt weird about these two.

The emperor most of the time ate breakfast with the empress.

Although it was a good thing but she is rather confused.

She only knows that the empress has deep feelings for the emperor but what about the emperor?

Why did he propose that time?

And the empress's sole reason for being cold?

She stopped what she was doing and sighed.

It was just so sad, life is important and most people are just wasting it.

A lot of dead people want to live and yet the alive did not care?

When Long Yi Sheng enters the room, he is startled by the melancholy vibe that Ling Wei is emitting.

"Madam, what is wrong again this time?"

Long Yi Sheng's inquiries startle the absent-minded Ling Wei

"you're here! Did you just come or?"

Long Yi Sheng took the paintbrush away from her hand and looked at her painting.

"This is really beautiful my dear, and very sad as well"

Ling Wei glances at the finished painting and smiles sadly

"I just imagine Mother Empress when she was younger"

Long Yi Sheng shook his head in amazement.

He is not sure how the empress's life was but looking at the younger empress with a broken and lonely life, he has this feeling that she depicted everything well.

"but I don't think this picture stays right? We don't want anything that will remind the mother empress about her life"

Long Yi Sheng sighed and finally asked

"my darling why are being so obsessed about the mother empress's past?"

Ling Wei knit her forehead and shook her head

"She was the saddest person I have ever met, despite being the empress, mother of the nation and all but why?"

Long Yi Sheng squats in front of her and explains

"Not all people love to hug power and status, wifey there is no absolute perfect life, but there is absolute contentment"

There are a lot of people who reach the highest peak of their lives but still think that it is not enough.

They all despair about the impossible things that they did not reach but ignore all the miraculous things they made.

People's hearts are hard to understand, change is constant.

He looks intently at his wife's huge and innocent eyes and explains

"you can never satisfy greed, people tend to want more but they forget that they are human, humans have limitations, not a supreme god that is omnipotent"

Long Yi Sheng gently kissed her both eyes and continue

"Mother empress perhaps did not want to choose the phoenix crown, but instead chose the person wearing the dragon robe"

Greed towards the emperor really does not end well.

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