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It wasn't unknown that Gwen had her experience with travelling the multiverse, cue the flashback of her being thrown into Miles' dimension from the collider, but seeing her unfazed expression from headquarters was amusing to M/n. Her gaze lingered on the lobby as hundreds of spider-men and spider-women wandered on the ceiling, walls, and platforms conversing to each other without a care in the world.

"Woah." Her voice echoed as M/n and Jess chuckled at her reaction. "How many are in this thing?" She asked and looked at the duo with curious eyes and Jess answered with light humour.

"Too many to count."

They started walking around with Gwen following like a small duckling which M/n found adorable.

"So...so what's the deal with that other guy?" Gwen asks and M/n replied this time knowing who she was talking about.

"Don't worry about him. He's always grouchy and hates new people." His answer was short and simple but Gwen still had questions.

M/n didn't say anything more and continued walking with Jess, leaving her to stand alone for a moment before she ran to catch up again. The group ended up where the captured villains were held in yellow like shield boxes. Gwen closely stared at a few of them when Jess drew her attention.

"The main thing we do is travel to different dimensions to capture 'anomaly's' or villains that have been sent to the wrong one. That little stunt you pulled with the collider on Earth-1610 was the cause of it. That also resulted in Miles Morales becoming spider-man."

The mention of Miles made Gwen tilt her head up as her eyes went wide. "Miles? Is he here?" She started looking around to see if she could spot her friend but Jess chuckled with a 'are you serious' face.

"Ahh, sorry no. He isn't here. And I don't think Miguel would want to bring him here either." It seemed her words made Gwen more confused so she gave her a smile and nodded her head to a hallway.

"Follow us. We'll explain."

M/n picked a bit of loose fabric on his wrist part of the suit and followed the pair blindly, contemplating whether or not he should fix it.

The room was dimly lit and held a thick atmosphere like it always did whenever they entered to speak with Miguel. Their eyes went to the high platform above them where Miguel stood with his back facing them, multiple hologram screens were spread out and showing different scenes including the one of him and his daughter.

M/n frowned and turned to Jess but she just shrugged, so he looked up again and called out to him.

"Big guy, you wanna come explain things to our newest member?"

The platform started to lower excruciatingly slowly but M/n and Jess were used to it. Gwen was not and made a face but the two just shook their heads and let out a little, 'it's his thing'.

"The multiverse is a complicated thing." Miguel started, his voice laced with authority as Miguel turned a bit to stare down the trio, specifically Gwen. "I'm assuming you know that already?"

She was about to answer but Miguel continued without a pause, "The risks of jumping through space and time, entering different dimensions and ruining them in a blink of an eye," He squinted his eyes at Gwen, staring her down threateningly. "A kid like you could easily make that mistake."

Gwen was taken back and placed a hand on her hip with a scowl. "I'm not a kid—"

"Oh, but you are." Miguel interrupted with crossed arms, "Sending you out there gives us the risk that you'll potentially mess something up."

A Glitch in the System ⇝ ᴀᴛꜱᴠ Where stories live. Discover now