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[Spoilers Ahead]

The whitish-blue orb hit the ground and the large bright tree emerged upwards, its branches growing outwards majestically as everyone stared at the scene, Miles more curious than the others seeing it for the first time. At Miguel's answer to his previous question, Miles asked another one quickly.

"Can you be more specific?"

"Can you stop talking for a second?" Miguel retorted back and Miles quickly backed off. "Yeah, yeah."

The large tree soon spread out largely into the long red lines looking similar to a spider's web. Many forms of individual spirals that connected together. The big hologram image went on further around then than they could physically see, proving how massive it was.

"This here? This is all of us. All of our lives woven together in a beautiful web of life and destiny." The others were silent while Miguel introduced the idea to him, Miles easily understanding quickly by his calm expression.

"The Spider verse." He voiced his interest.

"Spider verse?" Miguel seemed surprised by the name then thought about it. "That's...stupid. It's called the arachno-humanoid-polymultiverse." Miles turned around and raised a brow at Miguel who sighed and looked away. "Which sounds...stupid too, I guess."

The teen shook his head and examined the red lines more closely. "And these nodes where the lines converge?" He asked and stepped closer to the hologram.

"They are the canon. Chapters that are a part of every spider's story every time." Miguel went closer to Miles as the pair stared at the obvious large hubs of web that surrounded them. Panels in the middle having pictures from different universes but all appearing similar..

"Some good. Some bad. Some very bad." He said grimly and brought his hand up to bring a knob down to change the hologram and a long line of spider variants were kneeling over their loved one, all in the exact same pose.

The end of the line stopped directly in front of Miles who's eyes were glued to the picture of himself mourning his uncle. He frowned. "Uncle Aaron."

"This one? The event ASM-90." Miguel took his attention to the image of a man jumping to save a child. "A police captain close to spider-man dies saving a kid under the rubble during a battle with an arch nemesis."

"Captain-Stacy." Spiderman whispered to the captain and held him close. "I'm so sorry."

Miles' eyebrows pinched together and he turned to see Gwen standing alone until her head tilted up to catch his gaze. He looked back at the line of Spider-Men until he reached one directly in front of him, a highly realistic form of a Peter Parker who had a clenched jaw and tears running down his face.

Peter B. Parker had his put in front of him so he turned away and held Mayday as comfort. "That happened to you?" Miles asked but he didn't reply and Jess tuned in. "And us."

She stood next to M/n who had furrowed brows and an indescribable emotion hidden in his eyes that were dead set on himself holding a woman in his arms.

Miles' eyes moved to Hobie who caught his stare already knowing what the teen was assuming. "Aye? What of it?" He defended.

"That's how the story is supposed to go." Miguel spoke, "Canon events are the connections that bind our lives together. But those connections can be broken." His last sentence emitted a stronger tone as his eyes were set on Miles.

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