Episode 15: Roaring Sports Festival

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All right here we go Episode 15: Roaring Sports Festival we're gonna pick up right where the last episode left off and then the sports festival I hope you guys are ready for the sports festival now I hope you guys enjoy this episode and I hope you're enjoying the story so far now let's begin.

"I will All Might" I say "you know how the sports festival is set up right?" All Might asks walking back over to the couch "yeah students are separated by class and year and then the support course, business course, general studies, hero courses all fight against each other in a bunch of preliminary trials whoever makes it through the initial games face off in the finals it's basically a tournament" I say "right meaning you'll have plenty opportunities to sell yourself" All Might says "yeah" I say "I know you can do it young Midoriya" All Might says "I believe in you young master Izuku" Junko says.

Later in Class 1-A

"What are all of you doing here?" Ochaco asks "do you students have some sort of business with our class?" Tenya asks "why are you blocking our doorway?" Mineta asks "I won't let you hold us hostage" Mineta says "kindly please move I have some grocery shopping I need to do for mistress Inko so master Izuku and I must be going" Junko says "they're scouting out the competition idiots" katsuki says walking up "we're the class that survived a real villain attack" Katsuki says "yup" I say "at least now you know what a future pro looks like now move it extras" Katsuki says "you can't walk around calling people "extras" just because you don't know who they are!" Tenya shout karate chopping the air with his right hand "so this Is Class 1-A I heard you guys were impressive but you just sound like an ass" a relatively tall guy with messy, indigo-colored hair that flares out in large tufts around his head, notably straight teeth. His eyes are purple with white pupils and are thin and somewhat triangular, pointing downward, with no visible eyelashes. They're usually half-closed, and he has dark eye bags underneath them says.

"Is everyone in the hero course delusional or just you" he says "how sad to come here and find a bunch of egomaniacs" he says "hey not the rest of us actually just him although I am gonna be the number one hero so" I say "I wanted to be in the hero course but like many others here I was forced to choose a different track such is life" he says as Katsuki just looks at him annoyed "I didn't cut it the first time around but I have another chance if any of us do well in the sports festival the teachers can decide to transfer us to the hero course and they'll have to transfer people out" he says as everybody except Katsuki and I gasp "scouting the competition maybe some of my peers are but I am here to let you know that if you don't bring your best i'll steal your spot right under you consider this a declaration of war" he says.

"You know I don't like you" I say as everyone gasps "I think you're an asshole so beat it douche bag" I say to him even though I know everything about him from reading and watching all of MHA in my past life "hey you" a guy messy gray hair, which is rather peculiar in that it never seems to change shape, and black eyes that are tilted dramatically inwards, each lined with a very thick, jagged, tan-colored substance, which is presumably his eyelashes. He doesn't appear to have any notable eyebrows, and, like Eijiro, he has rows of sharp, pointed teeth says to Katsuki "I'm from Class 1-B next-door to you we heard you fought some villains and I came to see if that was true" he says "But you're just a bunch of brats who think you're better than us!" he says.

"Talk all ya want It'll just be more embarrassing when you're KO'd" he says as katsuki just walks away "don't you ignore me!" the guy shouts "are you done?" I ask him "huh?" the gray hair guy named Tetsutetsu says "I said shut it" I say "huh?!!" he shouts "come on Junko let's go" I say "coming master Izuku" Junko says as we start to walk away too "hey dude and Midoriya where are you guys going?" Eijiro asks "you gotta say something it's your fault they're all hating on us Bakugo" Eijiro says "these people don't matter" Katsuki says "huh?" Eijiro says "the only thing that's important is that I beat them" Katsuki says "and Junko and I have to do some grocery shopping for my mom and these guys are holding us up so we're not gonna wait for them to move" I say as Katsuki walks through the crowd as Junko and I walk through the crowd as well In the opposite direction "I'm coming for you and I'm coming for you too green haired kid" Tetsutetsu shouts.

Reincarnated As Izuku Midoriya aka DekuWhere stories live. Discover now