🍁113 - Great and Mighty (1)

190 12 2

– Cale!

Cale could hear Raon’s voice in his head.

He was in pain.

He had never felt this much pain ever since he came over to this world.


The black blood continued to drip down through his fingers and onto the castle wall. He could not stand up straight, as he continued to spit out blood.


“Ca, Cale-nim!”

A hand quickly grabbed onto the hunched over Cale. It was Choi Han. Choi Han subconsciously tried to stand Cale up after seeing Cale look like he was about to fall off the wall. However, there was someone preventing him from doing so.


“…What is it?”

Choi Han and Ron made eye contact. Choi Han's mind was a mess right now however Ron continued to speak with a cold expression on his face. Although, the corners of his lips were pale.

“What will you do if the blood goes down the wrong pipe?”

Choi Han let go of Cale. At that moment, Choi Han could see a bloody hand grabbing his arm. It was Cale seeing that hand Choi suddenly recalled how he always lost the people he cherished.

Cale looked toward Choi Han and Ron with a pained expression.

“H, hurry up and- ugh.”

‘This damn blood!’

Blood continued to fill his mouth, preventing him from speaking properly.

‘Why is the blood not stopping?’

He was in so much pain after the fire thunderbolt had landed. However, he was no longer in pain after about a minute, as the Vitality of the Heart started to heal him.

However, there were still two problems. First, he still continued to cough up blood, and second…

‘So hungry.’

He was hungry and felt like he had used up all of the energy in his body. He felt like he had been starving for a few days. It was similar to the pain that Kim Rok Soo had felt prior to getting used to not having food for long periods of time.

“Choi Han … hurry and go!”

“What are you saying, Cale-nim?! We need to take care of your first!”

Choi Han did not want his fate of loosing his loved ones to repeat again.

‘Go bring me some bread. I’m so hungry.’

That was what Cale was trying to say, but Choi Han’s vicious gaze made him say something else.

“Go take care of the tamer. Hurry up.”

At that moment, Cale heard someone screaming.

“Aaaaaaah! My, my skin!”

It was an old man’s voice. He was certain that it was the tamer. However, Cale could not see what was going on, as he was hunched over and coughing up blood.

But he could still hear the screams, as well as the scent of burnt flesh.

However, Choi Han could see what was going on.

The location that the red light had struck was burnt black with a large fire continuing to roar. He could not see any lifeforms above the fire.

The range of the thunderbolt was very wide. The secret organization members who were in the rear were all gone without a trace.

Trash Of The Count's Family BL | Part 2Where stories live. Discover now