🍂114 - Great and Mighty (2)

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Cale felt like he was coming out of a swamp as he came back to his senses. He tried to recall what had happened.

‘I fainted.’

He had no strength left and fainted. Cale realized that it was time for him to open his eyes. It was because he could hear a voice in his head.

– 3, 2, 1. Half, half of half … human, I will count back down from 100. Wake up before I reach 0, or I will destroy this continent. 100, 99, 98……

Cale heard Raon’s voice and immediately opened his eyes. He was shocked at what he saw.

‘A flower garden?’

There were flower petals floating in the air. Raon’s voice could be heard by his ear.

“N, ninety-five!”

The voice that was as quiet as a whisper seemed to be shocked.

Cale lowered his head. The voice had come from on top of his stomach. He raised his hand to feel something invisible on his stomach. It was Raon.

‘Has he been here the whole time?’

Cale got scared thinking about how this Black Dragon would have been reciting his countdown the entire time. Cale felt the naturally cold reptilian skin as he patted Raon’s back. Other people would think that he was patting thin air.

He then turned his gaze.


Why did the first face he saw have to be Ron’s? Ron, whose benign smile was missing, looked stiff as he stopped what he was doing and focused on Cale. What Ron was doing made Cale become scared.

‘…Why is he sharpening his blade?’

Ron was sharpening his dagger at the boundaries of the flower garden. He seemed to have removed all of the blood off the dagger, as it was shining under the blue sky. Cale felt like just touching it would cut his skin.

Cale blankly stared until he turned his gaze after hearing Raon’s voice.

– Human! Why did you faint for three days?! I can make hundreds of thunderbolts like that! Do not do that ever again! Weaklings should live like weaklings!

‘3 days? I fainted for 3 days? Me?’


“He woke up! He finally woke up!”


Cale could see Choi Han, On, Hong, and the rest of the group all running toward him. Cale started to frown as soon as he saw them.

‘Why are they still in a mess?’

Raon had said that it had been three days. Cale looked at Choi Han and Lock, who were still wearing the black outfits and looked like they did not even clean the dry blood off of their bodies. He then looked down at himself and was relieved.

Although he was wearing the black outfit as well, there was no blood or dirt on him.

– I cleaned you up with my magic! I am a clean dragon!

Raon really was the best. Cale could see that even On and Hong still had the black dye on their bodies. However, he did not get up, as it was annoying to even get up.

“Finally, finally! You finally woke up.”

Choi Han spoke on behalf of everyone. His voice was a mix of relief and admiration.

For the past three days, Choi Han and the rest stayed by his side without leaving. The Elves had told them that this was a safe location and to trust them, however, neither Choi Han nor the rest could trust them easily. After all, all of them had grown up with some sort of trust issue.

Trash Of The Count's Family BL | Part 2Where stories live. Discover now