🍁145 - Isn't It a Pity? (4)

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The soldiers subconsciously started to step back. They then heard a loud command.

“Everybody, retreat!”

It was Commander Toonka.

The soldiers quickly moved away from Maple Castle.

Toonka gave an order to the warriors.

“The warriors with magic resistance to the front!”

The warriors with magic resistance moved in front of the soldiers and set up a formation. Their movements were quick, but oddly awkward.

It could not be helped.



Thunderbolts, a downpour, and the gushing wind.

All three of those were surrounding Maple Castle right now.

In this, night with the new moon, the Maple Castle was the center of the storm.

However, there was something that was even more eye-catching.


“T, the fire-”

The soldier subconsciously clenched onto his spear and started to mumble.

The fire was going out.

The pillar of fire that was taller than the castle was slowly getting smaller.

The rain and rising mist made it difficult for the soldiers to see the castle.

“W, what monstrous sight!”

The Whipper Kingdom warrior let out a gasp. ‘Is it magic?’ He looked toward the storm that surrounded only the Maple Castle and started to shiver in fear.

He lifted his head to the sky.

He could see two people through the rain.

The two people that were covered in black slowly started to descend.

The warrior’s gaze naturally followed them down.


The warrior could see that the pillar of fire was now shorter than the castle.

Plop plop.

He could now see the roof of the castle with the Mogoru Empire’s flag fluttering in the air.

He turned his gaze to the red roof on the tallest tower of the castle.

There was someone on the roof holding the flagpole.

He was also completely covered in black.

The warrior looked toward the person’s hand that was not holding onto the flagpole.


A strong gust started from the man’s hand and rushed up to the sky. It seemed like that person was controlling the rain cloud.

He felt a sense of pressure that he did not feel even when he went up against the Empire’s mages or knights.

At that moment, the warrior thought about a different existence.


As someone who believed in nature, this warrior knew about the strength of nature. Nature was a dominating force that did not care about magic or humans.


The warrior took another step back.

At that moment, the warrior could see someone pat him on the shoulder before moving forward.

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