🍁119 - Nice to Meet You (2)

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Cale couldn’t help but wonder.

‘Do I have some unknown affinity with animals?’

He could not understand why he kept getting tangled up with so many different types of Beast people. Furthermore, they were all Beast people who were either struggling or in danger.

‘It’s not like I’m running an animal hospital or something.’

Cale looked around him. Ron and Beacrox were already standing by Witira and Cale so that they could see if anybody was approaching them. They really were a sharp father-son duo.

Cale’s gaze turned back toward Witira.

“What is the information that you want to trade?”

Witira used her tongue to lick her lower lips after seeing Cale’s gaze. Her mouth was going dry after seeing how Cale looked like he had no interest at all in her information.

However, Cale’s mind was just in a state of chaos right now.

‘What a mess it would be if I got tangled up with Tigers too.’

Cale was thinking about how horrible the future would be as Witira finally started to speak.

“Actually, you do not necessarily need to give us any information. It is us sharing information with you.”

Cale’s expression became odd.

Nothing in life was free. He continued to stare at Witira before he proceeded to speak.

“I’ll at least listen to what you have to say.”

Witira nodded her head and started to speak. She recited the information she had gathered while patrolling the Eastern continent’s coast.

“The organization you mentioned before, Arm, has taken full control of the Eastern continent’s underworld.”

Ron’s eyes headed toward Witira’s lips.

“The Tiger tribe discovered that a portion of Arm had crossed over to the Western continent. While gathering more information about that, they learned that a large number of experts have already arrived on the Western continent.”

Cale nodded his head.

It made sense. The magic spearman, the blonde sword master, all of them were rare experts.

Witira observed Cale nodding his head as she continued to speak.

“And they discovered that Arm’s First Battle Brigade, one of their many battle brigades, will conduct a large scale move in the near future.”


Cale, who was just blankly nodding his head, stopped moving.

“…What did you say?”

Cale wondered if he had heard correctly.

‘What is coming over?’

“The First Battle Brigade. The Tiger tribe is certain that the entire brigade is getting ready to move.”



“The Western continent?”

“Yes, the Western continent.”


Cale was at a loss for words after hearing this information that was much larger in scale than he had expected. He then raised his hand to cover his neck because it was getting the chills.

Trash Of The Count's Family BL | Part 2Where stories live. Discover now