🍂122 - Nice to Meet You (5)

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Harol could not understand Cale’s calm demeanor.

‘As long as you know?’

This was a chance for Cale to get a significant profit. He had two documents that could harm the Whipper Kingdom in his hands. But he was not going to be greedy?

Harol could not believe it. However, at the same time, he had no choice but to believe it. He had heard it with his own ears.

‘This is the person who purchased the Magic Tower for ten billion and did not even investigate it.’

Cale had said that he wanted to own the twentieth floor of the Magic Tower when he made the purchase. He didn’t send anybody to do any investigations afterwards. Harol had someone watching the tower at all times throughout this past year, just in case Cale found something.

However, Cale really did nothing with the Magic Tower since making the purchase.

“…Are you not greedy for money?”

Harol could not help but ask. He could see Cale shaking his head.

“Do you know how much money is in the Henituse territory? We have more money than you can ever imagine. I am the first son of the Henituse family.”

[FF/A: I want to flex my family like that too.]


Harol had forgotten about that.

Cale was someone who had no issue spending ten billion gallons like it was nothing.

Cale gave one more reason for the confused Harol to accept the situation.

“I know that the documents in my hands are files that any of the continent’s powers would want to obtain. I do not wish to be in the middle of the storm caused by that.”

However, Cale didn’t really mean it. He knew that the center of the storm was the calmest spot.

[FF/A: That's why he's always in the centre.]

Cale wanted peace, even while everyone else was at war. That was why he was selling it to both the Whipper Kingdom and the crown prince.

“Young master-nim, you are saying that you don’t want to be in a dangerous situation, so you will sell it to us right now? Is that it?”

“Yes. That is correct. As you know, I am a peace lover.”

This reason was acceptable for Harol, since Cale was the person who did not even want to reveal Harol’s identity.

Harol turned away from Cale and looked around the tent. The other Chiefs looked like they still had some questions, but Toonka and the warriors’ side seemed to be in awe of Cale.

‘It is something I need anyway.’

The mana storage device was extremely tempting, since it was said to mimic ancient powers. Harol and the others in the Whipper Kingdom considered ancient powers to be the greatest of powers.

“That sounds good to me. Commander Toonka-nim, what do you think?”

Toonka did not respond to Harol’s question and instead reached his large hand out toward Cale. Toonka’s serious expression, which was extremely different than his usual idiotic expression, explained his sincere feelings to Cale.

“Thank you very much.”

Cale stood up and shook Toonka’s hand.

“If you’re thankful, don’t forget about this.”

“Of course. I will not forget about your benevolence.”

With Toonka as the representative, the Whipper Kingdom purchased the documents that were found in the secret lab of the Magic Tower from Cale Henituse for five billion gallons.

Trash Of The Count's Family BL | Part 2Where stories live. Discover now