🍁143 - Isn't It a Pity? (2)

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However, putting out the fire was a task for some other day.

Cale had left the entrance of the tent open on purpose. It was so that the soldiers could see inside as they walked by.

– Human, human.

Cale could hear Raon’s voice in his mind.

Cale did not pay attention as he headed toward the people with light injuries.

“You have a lot of bruises.”


The soldier who was sitting in the corner of the tent because he only had light injuries answered in shock. Cale took out a potion and wet a piece of cloth.

He then started to press down on the areas around the bruise with the cloth. The light bruises slowly started to disappear.

“T, thank you very much.”

The soldier could see the white-haired priest gently smiling at him. The priest did not say anything else before walking over to another person and healing their light injuries.

– Human, you’re such a good person!

Cale ignored Raon as usual as he used potions to heal even the soldiers with the lightest of injuries.

The soldiers bowed with gratitude toward the white-haired priest who did not care about using potions on even the lightest injuries.

Cale received their thanks and started to think.

‘Free potions feel the best when you use them without any hesitation.’

[FF/A: Anything free and useful is DIVINE 🤫🫣😋]

Cale was using the potions that Alberu had given him without holding back. Maybe it was because he was using someone else’s potions, but it was quite entertaining.

“Thank you very much, priest-nim.”

Cale started to smile while thinking about how he was using Alberu’s money. He responded to the thanks in a manner that normal priests would respond.

“It was nothing. It is a priest’s job to look after the injured.”

Cale took care of the soldiers with light injuries around him before moving toward the rest of his group. Jack and Cage were by the people who were close to dying.

‘They’re working hard.’

The Saint, Jack, was sweating profusely as he looked after the patients.

The patient Jack was currently healing was close to dying because of the deep cut on his side.


Gold light continued to glow in Jack’s hand as he healed the soldier’s injury. Cale observed Jack and started to think.

‘His healing skills are top notch.’

The crazy priestess Cage was a talented priestess, however, an aura that she could not compare with was coming out of Jack right now.

It was only natural that everyone’s gazes would be focused on Jack. Cale looked toward this with satisfaction.

‘He seems good enough to use against the Empire later.’

Cale got excited while thinking about how they could cause chaos in the Empire by doing the same thing in the Empire while wearing this white priest outfit and white mask.

“Uggggh, ugh.”

The soldier who was moaning and close to death slowly started to regain color in his face. Jack finally moved his hand away from the patient’s side.

Trash Of The Count's Family BL | Part 2Where stories live. Discover now