🍂132 - Not Scared (3)

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Hilsman looked at Cale, who was suddenly introducing himself, with confusion. However, there was someone grabbing his shoulder and pushing him back.

“Stand still.”

“Excuse me? Hek, yes sir!”

It was Eruhaben.

Raon was next to Eruhaben and holding his head up with his short paws as he observed Cale.

‘Our human is in a weird state.’

All sorts of different powers of nature were surrounding Cale right now while the power of earth was coming out from between the cracks in the boulder.

Eruhaben also noticed this and moved back.

Ancient powers had to be earned on your own. Others could not intervene to help. They could stand guard in order to protect the person, but Eruhaben didn’t think a Dragon should stoop down to the level of guarding a human.

“Goldie! Let’s guard him!”

Of course, there were always some exceptions.

Eruhaben ignored Raon, who sighed before taking Hilsman to stand guard around Cale with him.

The boulder continued to crack as they did that.


The boulder that was cracking on its own looked odd.

A shocked voice was speaking to Cale inside his head while that was going on outside.

– …There’s a human who earned all four of their powers.

The voice was full of shock and disbelief, however, Cale just focused on the cracking boulder.

‘This was an entrance.’

He could see darkness through the cracks in the boulder.

The darkness was headed downward and leading to an underground area.

Although it could have been difficult to take a step into that pitch black darkness, Cale did not hesitate to walk inside.

– Take the belongings of my friends.

– You have earned the right to do that.

There was no reason to hesitate when the home-owner gave him permission.

Cale disappeared into the darkness.

Raon mumbled while watching Cale walk in.

“Goldie, should we follow him? Our weak human is extremely weak.”

“Aigoo, what did I do to deserve this?”

Eruhaben let out a sigh before pushing Raon down to the ground. Raon started to flail around.

“Stop it! How dare you do that to a great and mighty Dragon!”

“Little kid, I’m also a Dragon. Just be a good boy and wait here.”

Raon pouted and wrestled out of Eruhaben’s grip. He then calmly observed the cave that appeared once the boulder cracked.

Cale had disappeared into the darkness and was no longer visible.

However, Cale was not having any issues with going in the right direction while inside the darkness.

‘The earth is showing me the way.’

It was an interesting experience.

An unknown language showed Cale the way every time he took a step forward. This allowed him to have no fear as he continued to walk.

Trash Of The Count's Family BL | Part 2Where stories live. Discover now