🍁115 - Great and Mighty (3)

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It was another Dragon aside from Raon.

Cale did not want to meet another Dragon.

In most fantasy novels, old Dragons were characters that served as helpers who would give the MC the key for a critical point in the novel. However, the Dragons in, ‘The Birth of a Hero,’ were all just egotistical and arrogant beings.

‘Didn’t the novel say that all of the Dragons here were very selfish?’

Raon was an exception. Cale started to frown as he started to worry.

– I know there are no Dragons as great and mighty as I am in this world, but I am curious! Everybody has other members of their race, except me.

Raon saying, ‘except me,’ made Cale flinch.

– Well, you are one of a kind as well. There is nobody else as weak as you. That is okay. I will be with you!


A deep sigh came out of Cale’s mouth. He brushed his face with his hands as he continued to think.

‘Why did things end up like this?’

He had done things according to the plan, so why did all these other things keep getting in his way? Was it because he had both a Dragon and the MC, Choi Han, with him?

Raon’s worried voice went off in Cale’s head.

– Human, are you sick again?


Cale covered his face with both hands as he asked the Elf Chief.

“Can you tell us the location?’

– Oh yeah!

Chief Canaria started to smile at Cale’s question. She seemed like a fan who was about to watch her two favorite celebrities meet each other.

Cale started to feel iffy after lowering his hand to see the smile on Canaria’s face.

“Does the Dragon have a good personality?”

“I do not dare to speak on the personalities of such revered beings. They are all great and mighty beings.”

Cale shouldn’t have asked such a question to Dragon worshippers.

“Is it an adult Dragon?”

“He is an Ancient Dragon-nim. He is also a sociable Dragon.”

– An old Dragon!

Raon added on after hearing Canaria say that the Dragon was an Ancient Dragon. On the other hand, Cale’s expression did not seem to be too good.

‘A sociable Dragon is still a selfish Dragon.’

But Cale was still a bit relieved. Chief Canaria’s words meant that the Gold Dragon would at least show some curiosity toward Raon.

– I will prove the greatness of I, Raon Miru!

Cale held back a sigh after hearing Raon’s response. Would a goofy Dragon like Raon manage to survive in front of an Ancient Dragon? He was actually a bit worried.

[FF/A: OMO.... Don't worry papa Cale, Raon's gonna pick up another grandfather.]

However, that worry quickly disappeared.

It was because of what Chief Canaria said next.

“However, I am worried because, as an Ancient Dragon, the Dragon-nim is struggling with his health. I hope that seeing another Dragon-nim will make him happy and help him recover some strength.”

Trash Of The Count's Family BL | Part 2Where stories live. Discover now