🍁147 - Vicious (2)

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Witira and Cale’s group flinched at Cale’s response. A shocked Witira walked over to Cale.

“Young master Cale, you’re going to flip them over?”

Rosalyn seemed to be debating the plausibility of Cale’s plan while Choi Han just stood there with his mouth open in shock.

“Cale-nim, are you really going to flip them over?”

Other than Raon who was smiling brightly, everybody else seemed to be shocked. Cale answered them with indifference.

“No. Well, you see.”

His calm voice echoed throughout the forest.

“I was thinking that it might make it easier for them to leave this world if we shook their ships a bit. Wouldn’t it be better if we could send them to the afterlife without dirtying our hands as much?”

Even the Tiger tribe warriors that were standing behind the shaman slightly flinched and looked toward Cale.

Witira had told them about Cale, however, the smiling Dragon behind Cale made them even more nervous.

Cale smiled awkwardly at the shaman’s white eyes and the Tiger tribe warriors’ gazes that were directed at him. At that moment, Cale heard a familiar voice coming from behind him.


It was Ron.

“Young master-nim, this shaman-nim does seem to be spiritual. He was able to guess your thoughts and he even knew that you used to act like trash but changed your ways.”


“Why are you suddenly talking about me being trash?”

Cale looked toward Ron with a confused expression. Ron seemed to be satisfied with the question as he started to smile.

“‘The man who is living a new life.’ Wouldn’t that be talking about how you changed from your trash ways to become your current noble self?”

Cale flinched.

‘The man who is living a new life.’ That was not actually talking about how he stopped being trash.

However, Cale could not object to Ron’s explanation. It was at that moment.

“There was a time when young master Cale was trash?”

“That’s not possible. Young master Cale-nim is not trash.”

Witira and Mary’s robotic voice asked in shock. Mary was still speaking in a robotic tone, but she managed to say everything she wanted to say.

The sword master Hannah looked toward Cale with an odd gaze in her eyes.

Cale responded to the gazes directed at him.

“I’m still trash.”

He thought that he was still trash.

Although it was so that he could have a peaceful future, he seemed to be going around causing all sorts of issues. He also scammed people a lot.

That was what Cale was thinking.


Cale could see Witira smirking at his response. She responded back with a gaze that seemed to be saying that she understood.

“I thought you were saying that you really were trash. I guess you meant it like that.”

‘… What does she think I meant?’

Cale could not figure out what Witira was thinking about to respond to him like this. However, based on how Mary’s black hood was nodding, Mary seemed to have accepted it as well.

Trash Of The Count's Family BL | Part 2Where stories live. Discover now