epilogue 1 "fictional"

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"come on! Let me use your face cream!" Dan whined around Minho as he roamed around the house with whiney Dan behind him.

"No, babe. Let me remind you---"

"Don't! That shit cost me more than my life." Dan said sitting quietly on the table.

"I'm getting sick of you both" Q mumbled walking inside the living room.

"Hey Minho! Make me a sandwich too.. please." Q looked Minho with puppy eyes refering to the sandwich Dan was eating made by her lovely boyfriend Minho.

"Fine." Minho rolled his eyes taking a bite of the sandwich Dan offered as Dan wiped off the sauce from the corner of his lips.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome"

"I love you."

"I love you more"


"This is some chemistry i like" Dan said walking over to Minho who sat on the couch with a book in his hand ready to teach Dan.

"Shut up and sit." He said like a teacher ordering his student.

"Come on! Why ruin the mood.." Dan nudged Minho.

he finally gave in to her playfulness before throwing the book on the coffee table and grabbing Dan by the waist pulling her on top of him..

"You are gonna regret this." He remarked before smashing his lips on hers. Kissing roughly but lovingly. There was no lust but still the sensuality present there.

"Uh oh." Their eyes widen as they looked at the door before their position.

"Ow!" Minho yelped in pain as Dan accidentally elbowed his rib.

"We very sorry for disturbing." Kitty and dae ran towards the other room as Minho and Dan shyly chuckled.


"Florian!" Q ran upto his boyfriend..

"Hm?" Florian hummed in response continuing to walk alongside his boyfriend..

"Nothing, just.. i love you." Q said throwing his hands over florian's shoulder pulling him closer.

"I love you too." Florian said pecking Q's cheek.


"Mom!! Alex is not helping me!" Yuri screamed from the kitchen as she was told that they would be making Kimchi together, but looks like she is the only one working while her mom attended an so called important call and her brother just stood there irritating her.

"Daniel!! Watch the kids!" Jina yelled from the other room as yuri showed her tongue to alex as he rolled his eyes before wearing the gloves.

"I really don't know if I'd still be this happy without you." Yuri confessed leaning her head on alex's shoulder.

"I don't know if i want you as my sister anymore." Alex joked laughing ruining the perfect mood.

"Mom!" Yuri whined.


But who said that we can't love a fictional character?

Because fiction is better than most the people in the world.

"I loved you Minho, i still do and i always will.."

XO, Kitty || Minho × Female OC Where stories live. Discover now