"Minho has a ponytail kink"

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"Minho has ponytail kink?.."

Dan's bestfriend's gasped as soon she revealed the secret she's been hiding for days now.

"Damn... I didn't know Minho was kinky"

"Minho is kinky?"

Two reactions was served by kitty and Q after the sentence.

Currently sitting on the couch with her two bestfriends Dan was supposed to enjoy the new kdrama they all recently got into but suddenly as soon as the female lead tied her hair the male lead stopped her. So, Dan unwantedly remembered her past interactions similar to it.


"Should I make this?" Dan quietly said showing her phone to Minho cuddling against him in the cold season..

"Maybe... But don't burn down the whole house." Minho whispered placing a kiss on top of Dan's crown as she immediately sat up watching the recipe more focused trying to remember all the steps that were said in the video.

"Maybe i should" Dan said going towards the kitchen as she pulled out a pan from the shelves before Minho walked out the room towards the kitchen too.

"What are you making tho?" Minho questioned placing himself on the stool.

"Nurungji" she said putting rice on the pan after it was heated.


"I saw Taehyung make it now i want to try it--"

"Why are you putting your hair up!" Minho suddenly shouted making Dan flinch slightly letting her hair fall back on her shoulder.

"Minho, I'm cooking. I can't let my hair down." Dan shrugged off the weird feeling due to minho as she continued making a ponytail.


"And then again! When we were in the library-"


"This got be kidding me!" Dan groaned throwing her head back.

Sitting in the library alongside Minho as they did chemistry and physics. 

"If that fucking apple fell on Namjoon's head, he would've written bop songs not some fucking dumb not making sense physics!" Dan yelled out quietly not wanting to disturb anyone in the library and apologized to the people who seem to have heard her weird claim.

"Come on, it's not that bad." Minho chuckled in his deep voice as Dan started to sweat.

"You know? I don't know why i get horny by your voice." Dan whispered Minho as he looked at her wide eyed due to her sudden thought. "I don't like physic, i like physique."

"I know you got the rizz in you but stop it really." Minho laughed at Dan trying to be rizz god while Dan sulked in her chair.

"I hate how you break such a sensual moment." Dan pouted but was immediately taken back when Minho kissed her suddenly making her want more.

"Okay.. you remember Madison said make-outs move in back by the rare books." Dan said in a flirtatious voice standing up behind minho. "You, me, rare books"she said grabbing him by his tie and dragging him.

(•π•) !!

"And then---" Dan was cut off by Q's hand on her mouth.

"Please don't continue." He pleaded giving her puppy eyes but kitty removed his hand.

"Continue!" Kitty excitedly bounced on the couch as Dan rolled her eyes.

"I wasn't going to tell you how we madeout there anyways, I was saying then he rolled my ponytail in his hand and pulled my head back while we were making out." Dan said remembering the sexual build up she had by that.

"Oooohhhh..... Minho got a very good kink." Q cooed poking Dan's waist as she blushed at his words.

"So,.. that's it." Dan sighed slumping down. "I don't know if I'll be able to tie hair when minho's around anymore."

"Come on.. Minho is Minho" kitty said patting Dan's back confortingly.

"I know.. And i love this Min-hoe" Dan grumbled letting her head fall on the arm rest.

"You have become Min-hoes." Dan glared at kitty comment.

"I know what you did there!" Dan hit kitty face with the pillow.

So! Guys! I realised i will continue to post some short cute and funny parts or maybe epilogues you call them. I cannot stop thinking about Minho. So, i don't think if i will be able to stop writing about about him.

People mentioned- Kim Taehyung and  Kim Namjoon from BTS.

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